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How to sell A khata property?

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4 Year


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It is relatively easier to sell Khata A property. But before telling you how to sell A Khata property, I will tell you what is A Khata property and how easy it is to sell A Khata property in Bangalore.

A khata property in Bangalore is legally constructed property registered in the land revenue records of BBMP. The document states that the owner of the property has paid all the taxes and acquired all the required permissions for his/her property. Having A khata property makes the future financial transactions easier, hence it is easier to sell A khata property.

You can sell your property via online and offline mode.

List your property on NoBroker


Send out advertisements in the newspapers about your property or consult a broker. However, you will have to shell out a portion of your profit to the broker. Whereas, listing your property will be a FREE option.

I would suggest you to add details about your property while posting the advertisements. Buyers are usually interested to know

  • The dimensions and area of the property
  • Furnishing status (semi-furnished, unfurnished or fully-furnished
  • Amenities and connectivity around the property
  • Total number of bedrooms, bathrooms, balconies, terrace, etc.
  • Mention the age of your flat and your expected price for it.

It would be helpful if you put pictures of your property and locality as well.

I hope this answer gives you a solution on how to sell A khata property.

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