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How to Sell Your House in 10 Days?

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4 months


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Selling your house within 10 days seems like an impossible task, but it is quite possible. How do I know about that? I sold my house a few months back within only 10 days to spare through NoBroker. I was looking to sell my house as I was moving out of the city. For some suggestions, I spoke to a friend of mine, who suggested that I should check NoBroker. To know how to sell your house in 10 days, read along. 

How to Sell Your House Within 10 Days?

I got in touch with the customer support of NoBroker and explained my situation to him. The support staff suggested me to opt for

NoBroker Seller Plans

. He explained all the seller plans available to them. Here are a few things he had told me about the plans. 

  • The support guy told me that a relationship manager will be assigned to me. This person will be responsible for handling all the property-related calls. 

  • He said that my property would be promoted on NoBroker’s social media pages and higher on their listing page for better visibility. 

  • Though he didn’t promise me anything, he said he would do his best to ensure my property gets sold as soon as possible. 

After hearing about these, I opted for their Super MoneyBack Plan and my property was on top of their listing and social media pages. My property was sold on the 8th day after opting for their service. Hope this helps.

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