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How to Set Timer in LG AC?

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10 months


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Around three months back, I bought a new AC as summer was approaching. After we started using it, we had to get up at night to shut it down and that was becoming an issue. I shared this with my cousin, who informed me that I could solve this by using the timer in the AC. So, I asked him how to set time in LG AC remote.

How to Set Timer in LG AC Remote?

Here is what he told me

  • The first thing he told me to do was set the current time in the remote. 

  • After that, he told me to press the Timer button at the bottom of the remote. After doing that, an ON message will be displayed at the bottom right corner of the display. 

  • Following that, he told me to use the upward and downward arrow keys to set the desired time and press SET. With that, the AC will turn on the set time. 

  • For the OFF timer, he told me to click on the Timer button again. With that, an OFF message will start blinking at the bottom of the remote display. 

  • Just like the previous steps, he told me to use the arrow buttons and click on SET. With that, the OFF timer will be set and the AC will turn off at the set time. 

And that is how to set timer in AC remote LG. After that, he also told me that, this information might not be applicable for for every model. If that happens, then he told me to refer to the user manual.

These are all the steps and information he provided me. I hope this information about how to set time in LG AC remote has been of help to you. 

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