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How to store cleaning supplies in a small apartment?

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I shifted to a PG when I was in college and my room was a humble abode. Yes, it wasn’t too spacious and we were two girls sharing one room at that time. Thankfully, both of us appreciated clean space hence we had cleaning supplies. But the problem was that we had storage issues. My flatmate asked how to store cleaning supplies in a small apartment. We tried a few things and finally we found our ways. Let me share them with you. 

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How to store your cleaning supplies?

To store cleaning supplies you will have to determine first what all cleaning supplies need what amount of care. Basis that this is the strategy that you can follow:

For mops, broom and dusters

These are for daily use so don’t stash them away in a place that is comparatively inaccessible. You can keep it in a corner. We kept it behind the door of our balcony as it was usually open.

For liquid cleaning supplies

If you have at least 3-4 bottles of liquid cleaning supplies then you can keep them along with other bathroom supplies. We didn’t have huge bottles so we made space in the bathroom and kept them on shelves along with hygiene supplies.

For brushes and sponges

You can keep brushes and sponges in a basket. It’s the best way to keep them organised. 

These are just the hacks. If you want a permanent solution then I would recommend you get cleaning supplies storage cabinet for your apartment. 

I hope this helps you know how to store cleaning supplies in a small apartment. Let me know if this helped you.

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