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How to take care of golden money plant?

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2 Year


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Golden money plants are nature friendly and they are perfect for indoors. Besides enhancing the beauty of the house it purifies the air around the house and provides fresh oxygen. When I visited my aunt's house I saw a golden money plant in her house for the first time. She likes taking care of plants so when I decided to keep a golden money plant in my house, she gave me some useful tips on how to take care of golden money plant. Let me share those tips here.

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How to take care of gold money plant?

Well, you don't need to do much to take care of golden money plant.

  • Try to place your gold money plant near sunlight. But never keep it under direct sunlight, it hinders the growth of the money plant.

  • Try to water the plant on alternative days. You don't need to water your gold money plant every day.

  • You can spray some water on the plant.

  • You can cut back the tendrils if it is too long.

  • You can use fertilisers such as egg shells, baking soda, and Epsom salt every two weeks.

  • You should ensure that the money plant is not enduring extreme climatic conditions. A moderate temperature is perfect for money plants.  

  • Near the golden money plant you can keep other plants such as snake plants, orchid, ferns, etc. These plants are considered companions to the golden money plant.

  • For proper nourishment, you should unhealthy the leaves of the money plant at once. You can use gardening tools such as shears, scissors, and cutters to prune money plants.

I hope you understand now how to take care of golden money plant.

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