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How to Unlock Godrej AC Remote?

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10 months


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Hi. We have a Godrej Eon AC in our bedroom. My kid complained that the remote wasn’t working. Later that day, I found out that the remote was locked. So, I taught my kid how to unlock Godrej AC remote. Let me share the steps with you to help with the process. The method is straightforward and short.

How to Unlock Godrej EON AC Remote?

  1. Locate the “+” and “-” buttons on the remote. You need to press them simultaneously. 

  2. Press the buttons for 2-3 seconds and see if the lock icon disappears or not.

  3. If it disappears, then you have unlocked the remote.

  4. Otherwise, repeat the process. 

  5. If the remote doesn’t work even after these steps, clean the sensor of the AC and the remote gently. 

  6. Point towards the AC and then try. 

  7. If the problem persists, you’ll have to get the remote repaired at a service center. 

So, this is all from my side regarding how to unlock Godrej AC remote control. I hope you’ll now be able to unlock the remote of your AC.

Resolve your AC Remote’s Issue Via NoBroker’s Qualified Team of Technicians! Some related information:

How to Do the Godrej AC Repair at Home? 

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