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How to Use Flex Tape on Leaking Pipe?

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4 months


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A few days back, I noticed a pipe leak in my backyard, and I ran inside to grab a flex tape. So, why did I do that? Well, the last time I was in a similar situation, I hired a plumber who told me to use flex tape in these kinds of situations. He said flex tape is a temporary measure that can stop the water from flowing out. So, if you want to learn how to use flex tape on leaking pipe, read along. 

How to Use Flex Tape on Pipe?

The steps required for using flex tape are very simple and easy. The first step is to clean the pipe from grease, oil, and dirt. To clean the pipe, you can use a rag or cloth. After that, follow the steps mentioned below. 

  • Take a razor blade or knife and use it to cut a bit of Flex Tape. The tape needs to be big enough to wrap around the pipe and overlap at the starting point.

  • Now, peel off the clear protective backing from the Flex tape.

  • Apply the tape over the leak using pressure.

  • Use your hand to smooth out all the air bubbles or water from underneath the tape. 

And that is how to use flex tape on PVC pipes. You can try out these steps or simply hire a professional. After using the tape, I hired a plumber through

NoBroker Plumbing Service

to get a permanent solution for the leakage issue. Hope this helps!

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