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How to Verify RERA Number?

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0 2021-12-27T10:34:14+00:00
Best Answer
The Real Estate Regulatory Authority (RERA) assures that property dealings in the real estate market are transparent and efficient. Each state's RERA administrations are unique for RERA number check and RERA number verification. The RERA website is also completely operational, allowing potential home purchasers to easily identify project specifics as well as builder general background. The Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MahaRERA) has always been the most effective in terms of implementing the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA) across the state, out of all the states and union territories (UTs) that have approved it. MahaRERA was founded by the state government on March 8, 2017, far before any other states had launched their government authorities. How to verify RERA number? RERA number is generally established to let the homebuyers track the progress of construction, check for the launching date and get their property in hand with all the legal formalities. Let’s take the example of Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MAHARERA). If you are wondering about how to verify RERA registration number, here is your guide to let you understand it briefly: 1) Go to MAHARERA's official website. 2) Select 'Registered Projects' from the 'Registration' option. You will be sent to a third-party website. 3) Select 'Registered Projects' from the 'Select User Type' sub-heading. 4) You can look for information on a project by typing its name, the promoter's name, or the registration/certificate number. To find a project's certificate number, go to the top right corner of the window and click the 'View all projects on map' link. 5) When you search for a project using its name or certificate number, the project will display in the search results along with some details. By selecting 'View,' you will be able to analyze all of the project's details, including the project's location, kind, current status, and estimated completion date. All your property-related queries are answered here at NoBroker’s legal assistance platform, click to explore it. Read More: How to check RERA complaint status? How to check RERA registration? Non RERA register building is legal or illegal?
0 2024-02-14T10:01:57+00:00

You can visit the nearest relevant government office or RERA office in your area for your RERA registration number check. There is an online process available as well. You can either visit their official website or use the RERA app to extract a project’s details.

How to Check RERA Registration Number?

The best option has already been shared by the above people in a simple way. You will need to 

  • Visit

    RERA’s official website
  • Select Services tab

  • Click on Project Status

  • Enter the project’s details

  • View and download the report if necessary

So this is how to verify RERA registration no.

How do I Verify My RERA Number Using the RERA App?

I learned from my friends that there is a RERA app as well that you can use to extract a project’s details. Here is how you can use the app:

  • Download the

    RERA app
  • Get registered in the app

  • Look for the option project details

  • Enter all the details of the project as asked for

These are some methods that you can implement to verify your RERA number and project details.

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Read More:

What is my RERA number?

0 2023-08-07T19:49:37+00:00

Many individuals hire real estate agents to buy or sell the property. Occasionally, it can be difficult to tell if a person is an agent registered with the RERA or not. However, by verifying the RERA number, this issue will get resolved. I have gone through methods on how to check RERA registration in Maharashtra as mentioned by Patel Raunak. He explained it really well. Let’s check out the process that I followed.

How to validate RERA number?

There are a few crucial actions that must be taken in order to verify a RERA number as provided below:

  • Visit



  • Select one of the options from Registered Projects, Registered Agents, and Revoked Projects.

  • Input your project name, RERA registration number, and other required information.

  • Finally, click the search button.

  • The project details, the application, and the certificate can then be viewed.

  • Verify that the property you are purchasing has an RERA registration.

Alternatively, you can also verify the RERA number via


. I hope you found this helpful.

Hire NoBroker’s legal experts to get all your property-related queries resolved.  Read more -

What is RERA Certificate?

What if Property is Not RERA Registered?

0 2023-03-27T18:52:44+00:00

Anyone who has invested or is planning to invest in real-estate knows how important it is to keep an eye on RERA approval check of a property. India's first real estate regulatory law is the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA). The Indian Parliament enacted this Legislation. RERA aims to bring about clarity and fair practices that would protect the rights of buyers and also impose fines on negligent builders in order to increase transparency in the real estate industry. I will help you understand how to check RERA approval status online.

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What is RERA number validation and how will it impact the real estate market?

According to RERA, each state and union territory will have its own regulator and set of laws that will help to regulate how the regulator operates. To solve grievance-related issues such as delays, cost, construction quality, title, and other modifications, RERA was established. In addition to promoting investments in the real estate industry, it aims to safeguard the interests of homebuyers.

Some of the key elements in the RERA Act include:

  • Consumer protection and rights

  • The regulation of real estate developers, brokers, and intermediaries

  • Setting down the obligations of real estate developers and describing default situations

  • Establishing deadlines for project registration and dispute settlement

  • Determining the rights and obligations of real estate developers, brokers, and middlemen

  • Investor responsibilities and roles 

One of the most important features of the Act is that it offers a uniform legal framework for the purchase of a flat. There are a few more compliances for builders, including

  • Notifying allottees of any changes

  • Approval of any amendments by at least two-thirds of the allottees

  • No release or advertising prior to RERA registration

  • Information exchanged includes project plans, designs, government approvals, the status of land titles, and subcontractors.

  • Increased emphasis on project completion and consumer delivery in a timely manner

  • An improvement in building quality as a result of a five-year defect liability term

How to check RERA number online? 

Visit the RERA webpage for the relevant state for RERA registration number verification. You can enter the RERA number issued by your builder in the search form. You will be able to see all the data that your builder has provided to the relevant government if the project is registered with RERA.

Always make sure to review the information presented about the real estate project carefully. If you decide to apply for a home loan, this will be quite advantageous.

This is the process of the

RERA approval check.

Read More: How to Search Projects on RERA Website?  How to Check RERA Approval of Projects Online?
2 2022-11-24T08:06:45+00:00

RERA has been a boon for buyers and investors in the real estate market. It has saved so many buyers from investing in fraudulent or unauthorised properties. India's first regulatory law is the Real Estate Regulation and Development Act, 2016 (RERA). The Indian Parliament enacted this Act. RERA aims to bring about clarity and fair practices that would protect the rights of buyers and also impose fines on negligent builders in order to promote transparency in the industry of real estate. I will tell you about the

RERA registration check in my answer here.

Check out properties on NoBroker at the most affordable rates, here.

What is RERA and how will it impact the real estate market?

As per RERA, each state and Union territory will have its own regulator and set of rules which will assist in governing the functioning of the regulator. RERA has been formed to address the issues pertaining to grievances such as delays, price, quality of construction, title, and other changes. It seeks to protect the interests of home buyers and also boost investments in the real estate sector.

Homebuyers have undoubtedly become cautious and are enquiring only about RERA-approved projects. While most of the buyers are treading with caution, some are still confused.

Even I would not advise purchasing a home that has not been registered with the RERA. You won't be able to contact the authorities to file a complaint if you purchase a property that isn't registered with RERA.

How to check RERA approval

Visit the RERA webpage for the relevant state. You can enter the RERA number issued by your builder in the search form. You will be able to see all the data that your builder has provided to the relevant government if the property is registered with RERA.

Always make sure to review the information presented about the real estate project carefully. If you decide to apply for a home loan, this will be quite advantageous.

How to check RERA status in Karnataka?

Step 1: Access the

Karnataka RERA's official website.

Step 2: In the services tab, select Project Status.

Step 3: To view the list of projects, click on Application Approved. In the search tab, enter the project's name, the promoter's name, the application number, and the registration number.

Step 4: Download the project's detailed details, including its location and expected completion date.

I believe now you have a clear understanding about

RERA registration check.

Read More: What is RERA Registration? What is RERA Certificate: Meaning and Advantages?  How to check RERA projects?
1 2022-05-12T19:25:29+00:00


If you are planning to invest in a project, then you should verify the RERA number of its builder before making any payment. This will save you from getting into the hands of fraud builders. With RERA in place, all real estate developers are required by law to inform property buyers about the project’s progress and its overall status. It also binds the developer to deliver the property on time.

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 Follow this process to do a quick RERA No Check:

I want you to know that all states have their own website which allows you to check the RERA verification number. Let me tell you how to check RERA number in Karnataka.

Go to the Karnataka’s RERA website

  • If you ain’t comfortable with the Kannada language, then you can change the language to English by tapping on the link located on the portal’s right top corner

  • Under the SERVICES button, click on ‘PROJECT STATUS’.

  • Enter the project name to check the details of the concerned project. After that, the project details, such as the locality, RERA registration number, proposed completion date, ongoing status, project type, etc. will display on the page.

  • How to check RERA registered agents in Karnataka

  • Just like real estate projects, property buyers can check the details of all RERA-registered agents on the portal using this process:

  • Under the Services tab, tap on 'AGENT STATUS’

  • Tap on the ‘Applications approved' button to know about the registered brokers/agents under Karnataka RERA.

  • Enter that agent’s name and his details like the registration number, company’s name, and the district of operation will appear on the page.

Apart from registered agents and projects, one can also check the status of every filed application that is still under investigation. If you know any project that hasn’t been registered with the regulatory authority and falls under the RERA’s ambit, the Karnataka RERA portal offers you an option to report such fraudulent agents and developers.

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Read more:

How to check MahaRERA number?

I hope you liked my answer on how to do a quick RERA no check.


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