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How to Wallpaper Round Corners?

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I did install wallpaper on my own just in my room; hence, I can share my experience on how to wallpaper round corners. It is a tricky job, to be honest, but if you take extra care while cutting the wallpaper, you can install it yourself. The process is to cut it, apply adhesive, wrap the corners, trim the excess, and overlap the next strip. 

How to Wallpaper Rounded Corners?

Wallpapering the round corners needs expertise and precision. Here is the simple method you can follow:

  • First, you will need to measure the length of the wall, including the rounded corner, and then cut the wallpaper a few inches longer than needed. It’s always better to have extra to trim later than to cut it too close.

  • Next, you will have to apply wallpaper paste to the back and position the paper on the flat part of the wall, ensuring it is straight. It is better that you use a wallpaper brush to smooth it down, avoiding air bubbles.

  • Now, rather than forcing the wallpaper around the curve, gently wrap it around the corner, smoothing it in small sections to avoid any creases. 

  • Once the wallpaper gets smoothed around the curve, trim the excess on the other side with a sharp utility knife.

  • For the next strip, just overlap it slightly at the corner and make sure to match the pattern as best as possible.

  • Finally, use a seam roller to press down the seam for a neat finish and wipe away any excess paste with a damp sponge.

This is how easily you can install wallpaper on the rounded corners. If you lack the expertise and tools, hire a professional for the wallpaper installation.

Avail NoBroker’s Expert Painters to Wallpaper Round Corners with Precision 

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