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How to Write a Letter for Stop Payment of Cheque?

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Best Answer

Currently, several banks allow you to stop cheque payments via their online website or mobile app. But in the case where your bank doesn’t provide this online facility, you’ll be required to write a cheque stop payment letter to bank. My bank doesn’t offer this online facility either, so I had to submit a cheque stop payment letter. Let me tell you what information you are required to include in a letter for stop payment cheque:

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  • Person’s name the cheque is in favour of.

  • Cheque number.

  • Value.

  • Date of issuance of the cheque.

  • Reasons to stop the payment on a cheque issued: There are several reasons for stopping the payment of the cheque. Some of them are mentioned below:

  • If the issued cheque bears written mistakes

  • If the Cheque is misplaced or lost

  • If the account holder issues the Cheque for a service/product and has received a faulty service/product.

How to Write a Letter for Stop Payment Of Cheque: Sample


The Manager

*Bank’s name*

*Branch’s name*

*Branch’s address*

Subject: Request for stopping the payment of cheque

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

This letter is to request you to stop the payment of the Cheque bearing no:____, dated:________. It’s issued in favour of *cheque holder’s name*, for the sum of *amount* As the Cheque is *mention the reason to stop the cheque payment*, I request you to stop the payment with immediate effect.

Also, I request you to inform upon receipt and dishonour of the Cheque when presented.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

*Account holder’s name*

*Account holder’s contact details*

*Account holder’s signature*

Read more:

How to stop cheque payment in SBI?

How to find cheque number?

What happens if a crossed cheque is presented for payment?

Does cancelled cheque require signature?

I hope now you will be able to write a cheque stop payment letter to bank easily.

It happened to my uncle once. He made a cheque payment to one of his clients and a few days later he found out that the client was a fraud. But since he has already issued the cheque, he was really confused as to how to stop payment of cheque letter. We talked to a few banking professionals and they told us that he will have to write a letter to the bank from which the cheque has been issued and request them to stop the cheque amount disbursement to the recipient. He also told my uncle that he will have to clearly mention his cheque number on the letter.

There can be many other such reasons to stop cheque payment letter, like;

  • Lost cheque

  • Missing issued cheque

  • Stolen cheque

Stop cheque request letter

The format for stopping cheque request letter has already bene explained in the previous answer here. But I will share another format with you. You can choose whichever format you want to choose.



The Branch Manager

(Bank Name)



Subject: Request to stop payment via cheque


Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to request you to please arrange to stop the payment of the cheque(s) issue from my/our account. The details of the cheque(s) is/are given below:

Account Number: ____________________________________________

Cheque No./Series: From __________________          To ____________________

Cheque Date: ___________________________

Cheque Amount: ___________________________

Issued to/Favouring: ________________________________

I/We authorise the Bank to debit the stop payment charges applicable from my/our account.


Name and Signature of Account Holder(s)


Acknowledgement Slip

We acknowledge the receipt of the request for stop payment of cheque from Mr./Mrs./Ms.____________ relating to account number ____________________ for cheque (details) _____________________




This is a stop payment of cheque letter format that you can use.

Get stress-free home loan at lowest interest rates here  Pay your utility bills and earn cashback and rewards Read More: How to Check Cheque Status in SBI and HDFC? How Much Time it Takes to Clear Cheque in SBI? How to Collect Bounced Cheque from Bank?

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