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How to write an agreement letter?

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Childhood was fun when only verbal promises were made. But as we grow up we outgrow that innocence and rightly so. The law takes its course and we understand that only verbal agreements don’t work out in our favor. That’s when written agreements take the forefront. I have interned in the HR department and we used to sit with a couple of legal experts who took care of making contracts and agreements. I picked up a lot of knowledge from there, perhaps I can share agreement letter format with you. That should help you.

  Agreement paper format

When you are writing an agreement letter you must ensure to include the following:

  • Letter title

  • Personal information (names, address, and contact information of all the parties involved)

  • Date of signing of the agreement letter

  • Body (duties/services, fee and costs, timeline or term of agreement, payment terms, other terms of working)

  • Signatures 

Here is a sample agreement paper format for a transaction of services between an individual and a company:

Letter of Agreement

Date: xx/xx/xxxx

Dear xxxxx,


With reference to the discussions we have had with you, we would like to enter into an agreement with you for your services on the following terms


and conditions:


  1. You will be paid xx for your services per month. 

  2. This agreement is not restricted to any period and has been agreed on a mutual basis. This


    arrangement is with effect from xx/xx/xxxx.


  3. The agreement can be terminated on a mutual basis at any given point of time.

  4. You are required to maintain the highest order of secrecy with regards to the work or confidential


    information of the Company and or its subsidiaries or Associate Companies and in case of any


    breach of trust; there would be a legal action from the organization.


  5. The work done by you will be the sole intellectual property of

    the company and cannot be used elsewhere.


  6. The payment will be made in advance to you at the beginning of the project.

  7. Your work will be subject to review. 

Kindly sign a copy of this letter in acceptance of the above mentioned terms and conditions and


return the same for our records.



Best Regards,





This is how to write an agreement letter format.

Want to create a rent agreement in the comfort of your home? Check out NoBroker rent agreement services

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