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How to write No Objection Letter?

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1 2021-08-16T10:26:48+00:00
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If you are going to purchase any property then you might have heard about No Objection Certificate or No Objection Letter. No Objection Certificate or Letter (NOC) is a legal document which certifies that no legal hassle or dispute is involved with the said deal.  An NOC is required by the buyer from the authority or the previous owner to clarify or certify that the said property is not involved in encroachment or any other legal dispute. In this answer, I will focus on

how to write NOC letter and what content should be included in it.

How to write no objection letter?

An NOC is addressed ‘To Whomsoever It May Concern’ and it also contains the basic information of the parties involved. Following is the format for the No Objection Letter if someone is buying a property:


This is to certify that ____________ (Name of the owner), resident of ___________ (Owner’s address), is the owner of _____________ (Name of the property), situated at ____________ (Address of the property) with the Property Identification Number __________ (Number) and containing an area of _________ (exact area of the property) square metres.


It is further certified that __________ (Name of the organisation) interposes no objection to __________(Name of organisation/ owner) of the said property.


Issued on _________ (Date) as requested by ____________ (Name) in support of his/ her request/ application.


Signature: ________________

Date: ____________________

I hope now you

how to write NOC letter now.

0 2022-10-14T11:06:29+00:00

NOC or No objection certificate is primarily required to establish objections. You can easily generate NOC in a court of law and provide it as a piece of supporting evidence. NOC can be obtained for many purposes such as property transfer, selling property, mortgage, etc. I will share with you the NOC letter format for selling property.

  Draft your property documents online at a reasonable cost at NoBroker without any hassle   Society No objection letter format for property selling:  

Mr Sandeep Kumar


Secretary of Green days,


Kasavanahalli, Bangalore




Subject: Request for an NOC to sell my flat


Dear Sir,


I am Sumit Sen, the owner of flat number 4A, writing this letter to inform you that I intend to sell my flat to Mr Varun Sharma and I request you to provide a NOC for the same. I have paid the maintenance charges and cleared all other pending dues. Please find attached the documents, including a copy of the bill payment and a copy of the agreement.


Thank you.


Yours sincerely,




Your Sumit Sen


Contact number 


To get a No objection certificate for selling property, you can write a letter in this format. 

By writing this letter you can obtain the certificate. Along with this, you need to attach a few documents:

  1. Court fee.

  2. Declaration of consideration. 

  3. Last paid revenue receipt (khajana rashid).

  4. Citizenship of purchaser (Voter card/passport etc)

  5. Land Patta (if available).

  6. Affidavit of buyer and seller or Power of Attorney holder.

  7. Photo ID of buyer and seller.

  8. Power of Attorney copy (if the seller is an Attorney Holder).

  9. Pattadar to submit an affidavit in favour of POA Holder.

  10. Authority/NOC of Co-partner in case of flat.NOC from Co-pattadar.

  11. GMC/GMDA/Municipality/Town Committee receipt/occupancy certificate in case of flat.

  12. PAN/TAN Card.

I hope you find my NOC letter format helpful.

Read more:

What all documents are required to get mortgage NOC from CIDCO? How to get NOC from land and development office new delhi Do we require NOC from siblings for registered gift deed received from mother?
0 2022-04-28T20:14:23+00:00

NOC is an important piece of document that you need to provide to ensure that there are no legal discrepancies between the two parties. Now, NOC is required for many reasons and there are different types of NOC you may need to obtain. Before explaining how to write NOC letter sample, I will share the different types of NOC you may need.

The different types of NOC are:

  • NOC for Property Transfer

  • NOC for Court Purposes

  • NOC for Visa [Employees]

  • NOC for Visa [Students]

  • NOC of GST

  • NOC from Landlord

  • NOC for Leaving Job [Issued by Employer]

  • NOC for Banking Requirement

  • NOC cum Experience Certificate

  • NOC for Starting or Leaving a Course of Study

  • NOC for Attending a Conference/Event

  • NOC for Tour/Visit

How to write No Objection Certificate?

NOC letters can convey different messages. We may need to write a letter to obtain legal heir certificate, we may need the NOC to buy property, lease land, etc. While telling about writing no objection letter for property, I will share how to write NOC letter for leasing our property.


I/We, _________, son/daughter of ________ do hereby state that,

  • I/We am/are the legal owner/s of the premises situated at _____________ (hereinafter referred to as “the said premises”).

  • I/We have no objection in _______________ {Enter name} using the said premises as the registered office of the partnership firm/proprietorship/LLP/private limited company/ public company.

Date: _________         Signature _____________

Place: ________       (Owner)

I hope you understand how to write NOC letter sample for leasing premises.

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