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How we give our warehouse on rent to Flipkart?

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3 Year


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2 2021-06-28T20:15:57+00:00
Best Answer

If you want to rent your property/warehouse to brands like Flipkart or Amazon the first you should check are the requirements from these companies to set their warehouse in your property. Before putting your property on rent to any ecommerce company make sure that all the payments and dues are clear on the property.

Conditions that company will expect from you and your property 
  • Your  warehouse should be for 10 years of the lease.

  • The minimum height of the roof should be 28-30 ft.

  • Usually companies look for the warehouse with at least two shutters for entry and exit.

  • The flooring of the warehouse should be well maintained.

  • One of the best things about warehousing is you don't have to provide interior setup to the client.

  • In the warehouse you should provide two washroom facilities ( male& females both)

  • There should be a separate area for the pantry for the prospective employees who will work in the warehouse.

  • You should also provide an office space on the center point of the warehouse.

You can post your property on NoBroker.

Also, keep a track on the commercial page of the Flipkart and try to find out the personal link in the company. If you find a fair connection with the company then half of your work is done to rent your warehouse to Flipkart. 

You can also send emails on the service domain of Flipkart. 

This is the process of giving your warehouse on rent to FlipKart.

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