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I am unable to get free 9 contact

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3 Year


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-60 2021-08-27T16:27:02+00:00
Best Answer

I read that on NoBroker you will get free 9 contacts if you are a tenant looking for a rented accommodation. While if you are a home owner, you get 25 owner contacts. 

You can get the free contacts on NoBroker website by following the steps below:

  1. Download the NoBroker app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.

  2. Register using your contact number/email id and OTP will be sent on your phone

  3. Search for the properties on the app

  4. Hit ‘get owner details’ for the shortlisted properties

  5. Your contact details will be sent on the owner’s email id

  6. You can view your shortlisted properties by clicking on activities at the bottom.

  7. When you click on the option to contact the owner you will see a page with plans, just choose the free plan and 9 free contacts will be available.

This should work. Let me know if this was helpful.

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