The property prices in Chembur East for 1 BHK flat depend mostly on the size of the property, its age, amenities and many other things. The average price of 1 BHK Flat in Chembur is expected to be around Rs.18047 per sq ft. You can find your dream home in this area easily.
Check out thousands of 1 BHK Flat options in Chembur East for Sale on NoBrokerChembur is a residential and commercial hub in Mumbai. It is a well developed area with excellent connectivity within the city. Residents and professionals in this area enjoy ease of transportation via railway and metro networks. People who work in BKC, Lower Parel, Ghatkopar and Salon prefer to buy or rent accommodation in Chembur.
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I want to buy one BHK flat in Chembur East.
Amita Shanbhag
3 Year
2021-06-23T11:56:26+00:00 2021-06-23T19:47:18+00:00Comment