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I wish to sell my 2BHK 3rd Floor flat situated in a building in Khopoli

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3 Year


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0 2021-12-09T17:14:51+00:00


To sell the property I would suggest you to post a free in NoBroker once. I sold a property in Mumbai 4 months back. I posted an Ad on NoBroker and mentioned all the details so that I get as many people as possible interested in my property. I uploaded pictures and videos of my apartment and I also mentioned that I have a 2 BHK flat. I wrote a detailed description where I specified the landmark of the apartment I was selling. Along with it, I purchased the seller's plan to get the buyer as soon as possible. My property was sold after 2 months and I was able to find a perfect buyer for it.

You can try out the same process. Additionally, you can post ads on other websites too and maybe spread the word around about selling your property.

I hope this helps.

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