Usually, banks close the bank account when there is no activity, making it an inactive account. You can contact the bank customer care number or visit the bank branch to enquire about your account status. You can use Aadhar to check if a bank account is active or not. The process is given below:
Go to the official website of UDAI at:
Tap on the Aadhar services option from the UDAI page.
Click on Check Aadhaar / Bank Linking Status.
To check the bank status fill in a 12-digit Aadhaar number or 16-digit Virtual ID number.
Fill in the captcha code.
Fill in the OTP sent to your registered mobile number which is linked to your Aadhar card.
Click on the submit button to check the bank account status.
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I'm trying to figure out if my bank account still active or not
Andre Brown
1 Answers
2 Year
2022-12-07T10:58:43+00:00 2022-12-15T11:27:37+00:00Comment