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Is aadhar mandatory for property registration

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0 2022-03-17T14:50:10+00:00

Every citizen of India should register their name and get their aadhar number. People often come up with the question,

is aadhar mandatory for property registration

? The simple answer is no.

What is an Aadhar card?

Aadhar Card is a document of verification or identity proof that is being used by the government of India to have a record of the citizens. It is a single source identity verification system across India both online and offline. 

Why is an Aadhar card needed?

Issuing an Adhar card means you are voluntarily providing all details to the government. Upon furnishing such information, you are permitted to avail governmental subsidies as per your eligibility. 

However do not lose your aadhar card or let the details get leaked. If such a thing happens immediately complain against it or the card can be used against you.

Is aadhaar card mandatory for property registration?

Aadhar card can be used as an identity proof for property registration and land mutation but it is not compulsory. Central has clearly stated that no one is bound to provide aadhar details in cases of buying and selling properties. 

You can also use Pan Card, Voter Id card for such legal purposes as well. 

If you want some expert advice upon a legal matter, consult NoBroker Legal Assistance service and get all relevant details.

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0 2021-12-27T16:34:43+00:00

Hi, If you are wondering, Is Aadhar card necessary for ​​Delhi property registration ? You have come to the right place. A friend of mine got their property registered in New Delhi and let me tell you, I was surprised to know the long process and the number of documents needed for it. Since property registration is generally recorded in the database of the Land Revenue Department of each state. Certain documents are needed. Read my answer to know more.

  Is Aadhaar card mandatory for property registration in Delhi?

To answer your question, The need for an Aadhar card during property registration might vary from one state to another. According to the law, it is not mandatory to produce an Aadhaar card to register property.


There is no  provision in the Registration Act of 1908 which states that Aadhar card is mandatory for property registration. However, an Aadhaar card is required to establish your identity as it is an official government document. Both the parties involved in property registration i.e. the buyer and the seller are required to have their Aadhaar card as identity proof during the property registration process.

  Why do you need Aadhar Card during property registration?

The Aadhar card acts as proof of identity for property registration as well as land mutation. I was watching the news and saw that the Government is  planning to make Aadhaar card linking to property registration a mandatory thing but there is no official word on it as yet. 


Linking Aadhaar cards to property registration will help reduce the problem of  'Benami' transactions. It will also help in reducing corruption along with black money generation.


This is the end of my answer about Delhi property registration. I would recommend you consult with a lawyer with reference to where you wish to get the registration property done.

If you want help with end to end legal processes including the scrutiny of technical documents and reports, Check out NoBroker Legal Services. Read more answers : How to get an EC for my property registration?    How to do property registration online?    Documents required for property registration in Maharashtra    How to add another Co-owner, after registration of new property  
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