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Is Gramin Bank Nationalised?

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I know what a nationalised bank means so before answering your query: is Gramin bank nationalised or not, let me tell you its meaning. A nationalised bank is a bank which is owned by the government of India and are also called as public sector banks. But a gramin bank is a microfinance organization and community bank created to serve rural areas with basic banking and financial services. So if you pose the question: Gramin Bank is nationalised or not, the answer is going to be NO.

Get smooth and easy loan sanctioned at a low interest rate by availing NoBroker Home Loans   What are the Nationalised banks in India?

There are only 14 nationalised banks in India which are:

  1. Punjab National Bank

  2. Canara Bank

  3. Bank of India

  4. Indian Bank

  5. Bank of Baroda

  6. Indian Overseas Bank

  7. Union Bank of India

  8. UCO Bank

  9. Central Bank of India

  10. Bank of Maharashtra

  11. State Bank of India

  12. Allahabad Bank

  13. United Bank of India

  14. Vijaya Bank

Any bank other than these are not nationalised banks.

I hope you have understood

is Gramin Bank nationalised by now.

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