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Is removing land boundary illegal?

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The answer to is removing land boundary illegal in india isn't straightforward.  Removing land boundaries isn't always a big no-no, but it can get you into trouble if you're breaking any laws or regulations.There are a bunch of laws that govern land ownership and possession in India, like the Indian Easements Act, 1882, the Indian Registration Act, 1908, and others.

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Basically, if you own a piece of land, you're allowed to keep your boundaries and enclosures in place. But, if removing your boundary messes with your neighbour's land or goes against the law, then you're in trouble.

If you don't follow the proper legal process, like getting the right permits and following the steps, then you're breaking the law too. The Indian Registration Act requires that any changes in ownership or possession of land be registered and properly documented.

And if you remove your boundaries in a way that violates government regulations, like taking over public land or going against zoning laws, then that's illegal too.

It's important to remember that the legality of removing land boundaries in India can vary depending on the situation and the location.

So, the bottom line is, if you're thinking about removing land boundaries, make sure you get some professional legal advice on is removing land boundary illegal in India. Don't risk getting into trouble by breaking the law!

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