Without a statement of earnings, obtaining a Rs 1 lakh loan is usually difficult but not impossible. Most lenders usually ask for a salary slip to assess the borrower's earnings and repayment ability. Moreover, there are other ways to obtain a loan. Other requirements, such as credit history, or evidence of additional sources of income, may be used by lenders like Hero FinCorp to determine loan eligibility. If the pay slip wasn't accessible when you applied, you might upload your bank statement instead.
To make sure that the terms and conditions of these loans are compatible with your financial status and ability to repay them, you must carefully examine them, including the interest rates and repayment alternatives.
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Mujhe without salary slip 1lakh ka loan MIL sakta hai kya?
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2023-09-15T08:47:37+00:00 2023-09-15T19:09:00+00:00Comment