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My mother have a shop now she wants to give her shop on rent to any company for its pickup drop location point kind office how can she do ???

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2 Year


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0 2022-08-07T17:19:18+00:00

Hey friend,

Your mom can easily rent the shop online via the NoBroker application or website. I did the same thing and rented my place within a short span.

The process is given below :


Visited the real estate platform NoBroker

2. Then,  select the option that says ‘ For property owners’

3. Then I mentioned details including contact number, email address, etc.

4. Then, I further selected between residential and commercial.

5. Further, I selected the property type.

6. I mentioned details about my property like year of construction, floor, number of rooms, etc.

7. Then, I  uploaded some HD pictures of my place.

8. I added information about the landlord aka me.

9. I hit on the Submit.

10.The property ad went  live once it was verified by the Nobroker team 11. Interested tenants began contacting me  on their own.

No time looking for suitable tenants ? Leave it to the experts, check out NoBroker Owner Plans.

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