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Prestige smart City reported illegality and lake encroachment. Today I only I saw a review in as I am planning to buy a property here. I am sharing the link below. Anyone knows has this been obtained all permission s?

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4 Answers

3 Year


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0 2021-08-13T08:42:11+00:00
Best Answer
Here is the link that had come thru about the protest by public. Assistant commissioner directly visited the place and stopped the construction. All these are 1 year back. What is the current status...? I am planning to invest on the plot planned to open on aug 15th. I would like to know before investing. https://kavithak241995.wixsite.com/dontbuyprestige/post/how-we-would-improve-rate-of-play  
0 2022-01-07T04:38:03+00:00
Looks like Prestige captured farmers land for this location. Noticed lot of boards with court notices displayed. Unfortunately, people are investing crores and crores of money on this. Before buying, please walk inside the campus and look for number of hoardings with court notices, etc... God bless 🙌
0 2022-01-06T20:30:28+00:00
Looks like Prestige captured farmers land for this location. Noticed lot of boards with court notices displayed. Unfortunately, people are investing crores and crores of money on this. Before buying, please walk inside the campus and look for number of hoardings with court notices, etc... God bless 🙌
-1 2021-08-13T08:45:00+00:00
I am planning to buy a plotted land here. I come across think link. Hope they have properly obtained all permission. Any one has any update on the below complaint?   https://kavithak241995.wixsite.com/dontbuyprestige/post/how-we-would-improve-rate-of-play

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