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April 19, 2023
If the father is not alive, you can obtain a fresh ...
Pradeep Jha
April 24, 2023
As long as you are paying rent for your residence, tax benefits for HRA are valid. However, if your own property is rented out and you are living in a rented space, you can take advan...
November 18, 2021
TNEB stands for Tamil Nadu Electricity Board. I have been living in Tamil Nadu for almost 6 years now, but initially, I faced several challenges while paying the bill. I tried to know...
April 20, 2023
मेरा मित्र मुंबई चला गया और उसे पट्टा दस्तावेज़ का महत्व बताया गया। किसी भी आवासीय और व्यावसायिक संपत्ति को खरीदने से पहले उसके पट्टे की जांच करने को कहा। जमीन का पट्टा कैसे देखें (ja...
ज्यादातर लोग सोचते हैं, टाइटल डीड एकमात्र दस्तावेज है जो दिखाता है कि संपत्ति का मालिक कौन है। संपत्ति के मालिकों के लिए, एक और महत्वपूर्ण दस्तावेज "पट्टा" है। यह एक कानूनी दस्तावेज ह...
April 18, 2023
जब हम ज़मीन खरीदने पर विचार करते हैं तो हमारे पास तीन प्रकार के भूखंडों का विकल्प होता है। पहली पंजीकृत भूमि, जिस पर हम पूरी तरह भरोसा कर सकते हैं; दूसरा नोटरी लैंड, जिस पर हम भी भरोसा...
April 14, 2023
The Ponniammanmedu area of Chennai is growing quite rapidly. This area has several schools and some famous sub-neighbourhoods like- ...
April 17, 2023
Are you in need of electrical services in Chennai and wondering about the electrician charges in Chennai? It's important to note that rates may vary depending on the electrician's exp...
An Occupancy Certificate is a document issued by the local municipal authority or the urban development authorities to certify that a building is fit for occupation and use. This cert...
April 10, 2023
It's a big decision to sell your house, one that you may have thought about carefully. Following your decision to sell, you plan to show the home to a select group of potential buyers...
How to include the legal here's name in patta chitta when the father is not alive?
April 19, 2023
If the father is not alive, you can obtain a fresh ...