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June 8, 2022
Hi. I recently had to figure out how to calculate false ceiling square feet before getting my renovation done. Trust me, getting it right is crucial to avoid extra cos...
February 13, 2024
A month ago, when my father planned to install a false ceiling, the first thing he asked was to check the pricing. I researched the false ceiling price Bangalore and f...
February 20, 2024
When I was renovating my apartment in Mumbai, I knew I wanted a modern and sleek look. I informed this to my friend, who heads a renovation company. He said a Gyproc f...
July 18, 2022
While getting my home renovated, I asked my designer does false ceiling reduce heat. He said yes, and now, I can notice a big difference after getting one installed. H...
Calculating the area of the false ceiling is very simple. Whenever there is a need to calculate the area, I use a formula. Here is how to calculate false ceiling area ...
February 14, 2024
To get a false ceiling for my house in Kolkata, I got in touch with an interior designer. I asked him about the false ceiling cost in Kolkata. He told me I should eith...
Looking for the false ceiling cost in Mumbai, I can help you with that. I recently got the interiors of my house, and here are the various charges that the interior de...
September 18, 2023
I would suggest contacting a professional to get the installation done. That’s how we did it, too. Thermocol ceilings are mostly common becaus...
The false ceiling cost per sq ft in Kolkata primarily depends on two factors: from where you are availing the service and the type of false ceiling. Last year we opted...
October 9, 2023
When I was researching for tips to enhance the outdoor space of my new home, I came across the types of outside lights. I then further looked into it and came across s...
How to Calculate False Ceiling Area?
June 8, 2022
Hi. I recently had to figure out how to calculate false ceiling square feet before getting my renovation done. Trust me, getting it right is crucial to avoid extra cos...