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May 18, 2023
The meaning of masonry in construction is simple. It is the method of building a structure or building with brick, stone, or other materials. In such methods, the materials are laid o...
May 17, 2023
How many rooms in 2000 square feet? This is a very subjective question. Even as an architect I can tell you that the number of rooms that can be constructed in a 2000 square foot spac...
May 8, 2023
It is great to see that people are willing and curious to learn about niche construction terms and materials. As an architect, I had the opinion that only people in my profession or r...
Do you want to know skirting meaning in construction? Let me assist you with the same. A board that runs along the boundary between the inner wall and the floor is called skirting. It...
April 28, 2023
मुझे सीमेंट एक अविनाशी सामग्री की तरह लगता था। पर मुझे मेरे बिल्डर दोस्त ने बताया की यह विशाल संरचनाएँ बना सकता है, लगभग पूरी तरह से मौसमरोधी हो सकता है और वर्षों तक बना रह सकता है - ...
I wanted to finish my basement construction, but I wasn’t sure of how to cover cement walls. I asked a few of my friends and then I consulted an interior designer to help me with conc...
It is imperative to install a damp proof course, especially at the basement level or at the building's foundation when it is being built. It stops moisture from rising through the wal...
I was planning to construct a house in Bangalore. Constructing a house involves a lots of planning. I had to calculate a lot of cost that is associated with house construction. One su...
एसीसी सीमेंट भारत के लगभग सभी क्षेत्रों में उपलब्ध है और व्यापक रूप से घर के निर्माण, थ्रूवे, स्पैन, ऊंची इमारतों आदि में उपयोग किया जाता है। एक आर्किटेक्ट होने के नाते ये मेरा काम है...
If you're thinking about remodelling your home, you might be unsure about who to hire. You might need to engage an expert to assist you depending on the size of your project. But not ...
What is Masonry Work?
May 18, 2023
The meaning of masonry in construction is simple. It is the method of building a structure or building with brick, stone, or other materials. In such methods, the materials are laid o...