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February 14, 2022
I used to clean my floor tiles using home remedies daily. The most simple and common way to do it is sweeping and mopping. However, recently, during the new year, our family hosted a ...
I use steam cleaner to clean the glass windows and it is so effective. They look like new but it's okay if you do not have it. You can simply use a solution of shampoo and water and g...
January 20, 2022
I have the best and easiest answer to how to clean tile floors. It is to use warm water and a mild dish soap solution. Trust me, it works well, especially on tile floors, and it makes...
January 15, 2024
I have a wooden composite framed closet door. While installing this door frame, I was suggested by the contractor that wooden and composite frames should never be submerged in water. ...
April 28, 2023
Last Sunday, while cleaning my bathroom, I realised I needed to clean my PVC wall panel, which has plastic paint. So if you want to know how to clean plastic paint walls, I can share ...
January 19, 2022
Hi Prerna, to clean my switchboard, I researched electric switch board cleaning process. I came across a video where I found the easiest hacks. I make it a point to clean the switchbo...
January 28, 2022
House cleaning seems daunting but once you make it a habit, it’s a cake-walk. Ever since I took my own flat, I have started being mindful about cleanliness as it surrounds me with pos...
May 19, 2022
Last Sunday, I cleaned my high windows. So, I can help you with how to clean windows that are high. I used a pressure washer for this purpose and it helped me reach higher-placed wind...
May 23, 2022
Diwali is approaching and I have started my home cleaning regime. Last Sunday, I cleaned my ceiling, so I can help you with the steps on how to clean false ceiling cove. Though the st...
March 23, 2022
I saw a lot of other responses here and agree with the methods they’ve used. However, if you ask me how to clean sunmica at home . I make a mixture of mild detergent and warm water, t...
How to clean floor tiles at home ?
February 14, 2022
I used to clean my floor tiles using home remedies daily. The most simple and common way to do it is sweeping and mopping. However, recently, during the new year, our family hosted a ...