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July 27, 2023
Parking area gets dirty very easily and quite often. It requires basic regular sweeping and monthly deeper cleaning. I have an eco-friendly method that involves using natural and non-...
July 31, 2023
I live in a place where we get hard water for daily use and it is known that hard water leaves residue behind which accumulates in geyser, washbasin, mirror, etc. So, I clean my geyse...
August 28, 2023
Everyone knows how to sweep and mop and clean most of the places. But most of you don’t know how to clean garden floor tiles. As per my experience, I will tell you several hacks to cl...
Khushal Shah
December 7, 2023
No matter steel railings at home are durable and tough but it too requires periodic cleaning to maintain its shiny looks. To know how to clean ss railing, I have mentioned below all t...
November 30, 2023
Several old households have plastic windows which accumulate dirt over a long period of time. I too have a plastic window in my room which rarely gets cleaned. However, a few days bac...
December 4, 2023
If you are careful enough with the right tools, cleaning a chimney mesh filter at home is something that can be quite simple. I have recently cleaned a mesh filter of my chimney using...
March 15, 2024
Hello Mandal, I saw you asking how to remove yellow stains on tiles. I can offer you my help. I use borax for this purpose, which works well in removing stains. I am sharing the steps...
June 7, 2022
When I took a close look at the fabric of my curtains a few weeks ago, I saw that a layer of dust had gathered on top of it. So, I immediately researched how to get dust off curtains....
March 13, 2024
I can help you out with how do you clean your bedroom. My mother shared with me a simple cleaning process during my PG days and since then I have implemented it. You just need to prio...
January 26, 2024
Cleaning an outdoor tile floor is so challenging, especially if you clean it after ages. That is why we clean it once or twice every month. I learned how to clean outdoor tile floor f...
How to Clean Parking Tiles?
July 27, 2023
Parking area gets dirty very easily and quite often. It requires basic regular sweeping and monthly deeper cleaning. I have an eco-friendly method that involves using natural and non-...