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July 3, 2024
Hey buddy. I always believe relocating to a new place is a difficult and stressful experience. Hence, before I shifted to my new home, I researched the common moving mistakes. Some of...
October 31, 2023
May 11, 2022
Wondering if there are any packing charges GST rate? Yes, GST (Goods and Services Tax) is applicable on packing charges in India. Packing charges, which are costs associated with pack...
June 25, 2024
Unpacking and organizing after moving could be challenging if you are unaware of the right process. I was facing the same issue but I had my sister to help me out. She told me about t...
Before moving last year, I had quite a lot of queries, and “how long does it take movers to load a truck?” was one of them. To clear my doubts, I called my uncle and asked him about t...
Hi, I moved from Chennai to Bangalore a few weeks back, and I, too, had a 3-bedroom house. The process was time-consuming for me as I did it myself. So, how long should it take to pac...
I can tell you how to pack a bedroom for moving. I was able to rapidly and safely pack everything by following a few well-organised steps. This is how I went about making sure everyth...
May 26, 2023
Hey, After going through all the answers here you must be aware of how to wrap your mattress for moving by now. A few months back my brother had to shift his single bed mattress from ...
If you're wondering how to pack a kitchen for moving, let me share my experience. In order to ensure that everything in my kitchen was securely packed and prepared for the move, I fol...
June 24, 2024
In my opinion, packing and moving furniture is the hardest part of moving. It's because it requires the greatest amount of time and effort. I hired NoBroker Packers and Movers to move...
What are the Moving Mistakes to Avoid?
July 3, 2024
Hey buddy. I always believe relocating to a new place is a difficult and stressful experience. Hence, before I shifted to my new home, I researched the common moving mistakes. Some of...