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What are the Common Air Conditioner Problems?

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I have observed that closed rooms and disturbed air movement throughout the house are the most common causes of air conditioning issues in my house. Other frequent issues with current air conditioners stem from improper installation, subpar servicing practices, and insufficient maintenance. I will tell you all that I know about the most air conditioner faults and solutions.

What are the Most Common AC Problems and Solutions?

Poor Maintenance of the AC

The air conditioner won't function correctly and the compressor or fans may break sooner if you let the filters and air conditioning coils get unclean. So, regularly clean and main your AC.

Failure of the Electric Control

Corrosion of wire and terminals is a common reason for the failure of electric control in many ACs. So, you should call a professional service to check electrical connections.

Issues with Sensors

This is one of the most common home AC problems. In the event that the sensor is knocked out of position, the air conditioner may exhibit irregular or continuous cycling. So, get it checked by an AC technician.

Issues with Drainage

Make sure the condensate drain is emptying correctly and isn't clogged when the weather is humid. If a room air conditioner is not installed level, it can not drain correctly.

Thermostat Not Working

A malfunctioning thermostat is to blame if your air conditioner is short cycling and it seems warmer than usual in your room. In that case, you can replace your thermostat.

Circuit Breaker Continues to Trip

A number of problems, such as power surges, capacitor failure, filthy filters or coils, low refrigerant levels, compressor failure, and problems with the circuit breaker itself, might cause your circuit breaker to trip regularly.

AC Smells Bad

It's critical to note the sort of odour your air conditioner emits in order to accurately identify the underlying problem. This is also one of the most common AC issues and can be addressed with proper and timely cleaning of AC.

Failure of the AC Fan

Inadequate performance of the outside fan prevents enough heat transmission from happening. So, make sure you clean your AC fan regularly.

Poor Air Movement

In this case, the blower motor may be malfunctioning or the air filter may be unclean, preventing the fan from pushing enough air. I hope now you know which are the most common air conditioner faults and solutions. Problems with AC? Get it Checked and Serviced with NoBroker AC Services. Read More: What are the Causes of Air Conditioner Problems?

Hi buddy, I came across your query regarding common air conditioner problems and solutions for them. We use AC daily and have come across issues in the past. Some of the most common problems we’ve faced include indoor and outdoor water leaks, refrigerant leaks and leaking ducts. I am sharing more such issues and their solutions below to help you.

What are the Top 10 AC Problems?

  1. Water Leakage (Indoors)

  2. Water Leakage (Outdoors)

  3. AC Refrigerant Leak

  4. Damaged Compressor

  5. Dirty AC Filter

  6. Freezing of Evaporator Coil

  7. Capacitor Malfunctioning

  8. AC Noises

  9. Leaking Ducts

  10. Breakdown of AC Fan

What are the Solutions to Common Air Conditioner Problems?

  • Water Leakage (Indoors):

    To fix this, you need to unclog the condensate pipe with the help of a vacuum. Locate the drain pipe and add 180 ml of vinegar in the pipe in case of algae formation. If you can’t find the exact reason for the clogging, it is best to consult a professional.

  • Water Leakage (Outdoors):

    You need a professional technician for this.

  • AC Refrigerant Leak:

    This is another issue to be solved by an expert, as it can be dangerous to indulge in yourself. 

  • Damaged Compressor:

    This is a task to be done by professionals.

  • Dirty AC Filter:

    You can replace the filter by removing the dirty one in case you have a replaceable filter. However, if it is reusable, clean and wash it using water. Let it dry completely before installing it back. Clean the filter at least once in two weeks for proper functioning.

  • Freezing of Evaporator Coil:

    Locate the damage first. Once you do so, cut off the power supply and leave the coil to defrost. This will take a day. If the level of frosting is not as high, you can keep the system working because the blower fan will melt away the frost. 

  • Capacitor Malfunctioning:

    You need a professional technician.

  • AC Noises:

    It is an expert’s job to locate the noises and fix them. So, consult them only.

  • Leaking Ducts:

    For this, you need to find the leakage. Check for holes in the duct line. Apply mastic air duct sealant over the holes. These will harden once they become dry, and this will stop the leakage.

  • Breakdown of AC Fan:

    Call an AC technician as it is a risky job to do on your own.

So, these are the air conditioner problems and solutions. I hope you find these helpful.

Get End-to-End AC Diagnosis and Repair via NoBroker!

Some related information: How Much Time AC take to Cool Room: 1 and 1.5 Ton AC? 

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