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What Direction Should Laughing Buddha Face in a Home?

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20 2021-08-09T10:04:43+00:00
Best Answer
Although laughing buddha and its significance came to the fore in India after the introduction of Feng Shui almost a decade ago, there is a significant place for it in Indian Vastu. I am a firm believer of vastu and astrology and I am in touch with some of the prominent vastu consultants of the country. Out of curiosity I asked one of them about laughing buddha direction in home. I asked specifically where should be laughing buddha face direction in home? Since you have a similar query, this is what they told me, it should be helpful to you as well. What direction should laughing buddha face in a home? Laughing Buddha is symbol of happiness, abundance and joy. It is suggested in vastu that laughing buddha should be kept where you live and spend most of your time. You can keep it in your office or at home to absorb positive thoughts and energy. Here are a few tips for laughing buddha direction:
  • Ideally, the laughing buddha should be facing the east direction where the sun rises. It is known to bring prosperity
  • To increase wealth you can place it in south east direction.
  • If you want to cleanse your energy and reinforce positivity, you should place laughing buddha facing the main door.
If you have a sitting laughing buddha, it symbolizes love, tranquility and stable thoughts. While a standing laughing buddha represents treasure and happiness. Here are a few things which will help you choose the best laughing buddha for your house.
  1. For positivity and removal of misery: Laughing buddha with a sack or bag
  2. For affluence and wisdom: laughing buddha with beads and eyes closed
  3. For good luck: Laughing buddha sitting on a large golden nugget and handing out a smaller gold nugget
  4. For blessing and good wealth: Laughing buddha with a fan and bottle guard
  5. For happy, healthy and relaxed life: Laughing buddha with a hat
  6. For attracting wealth and prosperity: Standing laughing buddha with an ingot over its head
  7. To pursuit enlightenment: A laughing buddha with a bowl
  8. To eliminate problems related to children: Laughing buddha surrounded by kids
This is all the information I could gather from my vastu expert about laughing buddha direction and laughing buddha face direction in home. I hope you have your answers now. May you be blessed with good luck, happiness and peace :)

Laughing Buddha is said to bring growth, prosperity and abundance wherever it is placed. The idol in itself is laughing, so it brings a lot of laughter and happiness. I also have a laughing buddha statue in my house for its benefits. But you should always first research where to place laughing Buddha in home before keeping it. You can only reap the benefits if you place it in the right direction according to Vastu Shastra. 

How to Keep Laughing Buddha at Home?

  • Laughing Buddha statue can be placed at any altar in the house as it is associated with bringing in new possibilities, but some very auspicious places would be your front door, house entryway, or bedside if you have recently moved into a new place. 

  • The best direction for placing your laughing Buddha statue would be the southeast direction.

  • Especially if you want to attract more money, you should keep the statue near the entryway or front door, facing the door. 

  • The statue should never have its back to the door. You can also keep the statue in your office to reduce stress and resolve any tensions. 

  • You should just take care to never place such an auspicious statue in your bathroom or kitchen or any isolated or ignored places of your house since it would start harbouring negative energies. 

  • Also, never place the statue on the floor, always use an elevated surface. I hope this helps you find a position for your laughing buddha statue.

In my home I have placed the statue in the southeast direction. Hope this helped you understand where should laughing Buddha face. 

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Which direction should god face in home?

I received a laughing buddha statue as our housewarming gift last year. Since our house is Vastu compliant, I have everything placed as per Vastu, so knowing where to place laughing Buddha was quite important. I asked a few people and got the answer.

The southeast direction is considered to be the best direction for placing the laughing Buddha statue for home vastu

Where To Put Laughing Buddha At Home?

Now that you have learned that the southeast direction is considered good for the laughing Buddha placement in home, you must also know where you can keep it. You can place it in your

  • Living room

  • Hall area or 

  • Bedroom.

But it’s better to make sure that this statue faces the door. Laughing Buddha is believed to bring wealth and prosperity and surely it has brought good luck to us. But there is also a myth that this status is not for all. Laughing Buddha can affect one’s life badly as well. If, by any chance, you feel this idol is having a negative impact on your life, I will suggest you gift it to someone else and pray it suits them.

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Which laughing Buddha is good for home?
1 2023-08-26T19:03:09+00:00

According to Vastu Shastra, placing a statue of the Laughing Buddha in your home is a good idea because it is seen as a symbol of joy, abundance, and prosperity. A Laughing Buddha statue is frequently chosen by homeowners to attract luck and good fortune. Hence, it's crucial to understand in which direction Laughing Buddha should be kept.

In which direction Laughing Buddha should be placed?

  • As Surbhiij mentioned above, the Laughing Buddha should be positioned in the East direction. It is best for the family's good fortune. 

  • The energy of the space can be enhanced and the focus to acquire knowledge can be achieved by positioning the Buddha statue in the North-East direction.

  • The Laughing Buddha welcomes the positive vibe that comes in through the front entrance, activates it, and eliminates any bad energy. So, position the laughing Buddha diagonally across from or towards the front door on a corner table. Make sure the statue is facing the interior of the room and not the exterior.

In the end, deciding which direction Laughing Buddha should face is a matter of personal preference. I hope you found these tips helpful.

Hire interior experts to decorate your Laughing Buddha in the correct place. Read more -

Which Laughing Buddha is Good for Home?


Where to Keep Laughing Buddha at Home?

What is the Use of Keeping Laughing Buddha at Home?

4 2023-03-17T10:02:32+00:00

Laughing Buddha is referred to as the "Buddha of Wealth" because it is believed that Buddha brings in money and prosperity to a residence or company. I believe you want to bring prosperity and wealth to your life and rightly so, I will let you know here laughing Buddha should face which direction. Please read and let me know if you have any further questions I will help you out.

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Which direction laughing Buddha should face?

It is said that keeping a laughing Buddha at your home or place of business will open up new doors for you. Laughing Buddhas are typically positioned on an altar. It can be located anywhere in the home but is generally considered to be very auspicious. These locations include entrances, main doors, or even beside the bed if you recently moved into a new home or apartment as it represents the beginnings for you there. The energy of riches and success will enter your life if you set a bright Laughing Buddha in your living room or dining room that faces south.

What is the best laughing Buddha placement?

  • Your laughing Buddha should face the interior of your home, towards the middle or living room, if he is situated at the entrance going to your main door. In addition to bringing joy into a home, its placement helps in keeping all negative energy outside, where they belong.

  • If your laughing Buddha is facing south, it will bring you more luck and money if he is on the left side of your front entry, which implies it faces outwards. This is one of the best laughing Buddha facing directions.

Laughing Buddha should face which direction must be clear to you now.

Read More: Which Buddha statue is good for home? Where to keep laughing Buddha at home? What is the use of keeping laughing Buddha at home?
5 2022-05-31T21:22:21+00:00

You must all be knowing that Laughing Buddha is believed to bring joy, happiness and property and both me and my husband believe this. On the occasion of housewarming, we were given a laughing buddha and since then I have been asking people about laughing buddha direction in home. We keep all materials as per the vastu hence it was important to know which direction will suit this idol as well.  Now the problem is, the more you ask, the more difficult it becomes to get the right answer. Everyone of them had their own opinion so ultimately my mom came to my rescue. Here are some directions as per places that can help you like it did to me. 

Laughing buddha position in home

My mother said that as per Vastu Shastra,  gods and goddesses are also kept in the east direction of the house and so is the Laughing Buddha. It might not be a God but a mere Fen Shui, yet since it is believed to bring wellness, it must be kept in that direction as well. It has a power to prevent chaos and argument and also internal strife hence I kept it in the east direction only. Maintaining Laughing Buddha Vastu brings great results so do avoid taking the risk of keeping it anywhere if you really want fruitful results.

Laughing buddha face direction in office

My colleague has a small Laughing Buddha statue placed at her desk facing the south-east direction. She says that it did bring her good fortune. On the other hand my mother said that one can place the idol on the northern side as well. However, since my colleague has seen results, I will recommend you to place it facing the south-east direction only. 

I hope I have been able to answer the laughing buddha direction in home and office clearly now.

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13 2021-03-18T12:53:32+00:00

Laughing Buddha is a very prominent and famous statue in Feng Shui. People place Laughing Buddha statues in their houses, stores, and work to attain positive attributes. Also gifting laughing buddha on house warming occasions is a very famous trend for years now.

According to Feng Shui, placing a laughing buddha at home in the best direction ends negativity from the house and brings positivity, happiness, harmony in your home as Laughing Buddha is the symbol of happiness, good luck, and positivity.

  What direction should Laughing Buddha face in a home?

If your family suffers from arguments and tensions, the best direction for laughing buddha is the east direction of your house.

Never place laughing buddha in a kitchen or on the floor.

The area where you place the buddha should be up to eye level. Placing the statue below the eye level is considered rude and disrespectful.

Laughing Buddha should face the main door directly to greet the energies that enter from your main door of the home.

Always keep these crucial aspects in mind to place a Laughing Buddha in your house in the best direction else it can hamper the free flow of joyfulness in your house. 

It is very important to know, what direction should Laughing Buddha face in a home? Mostly in the East direction, but you may change the direction according to the direction of your entry door to the house.


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