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What Does E2 mean in AC?

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10 months


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0 2024-05-07T11:51:48+00:00

Last month, my AC was displaying an E2 error code every time I tried to use it. I called a friend and asked him what to do. He informed me that an E2 error in AC means that it has an outdoor unit sensor error. Following that, he suggested that I hire an AC technician for that. 

What Does E2 Mean in AC?

As my friend mentioned, the E2 error means that there is an outdoor unit sensor error. He also told me that it can be detected through a tiny LED light signal. This happens when the evaporation temperature is lower compared to the temperature under the cooling or dry mode. When this happens, the compressor and outdoor fan motor stops functioning.

I hired a technician through the

NoBroker AC services

. The technician helped me with ways to solve this error.

  • Indoor Filter Blockage

    : This happens when the filter gets blocked due to dust, grime, and other obstructions. To solve this problem, he suggested removing the filter and washing them. 

  • Clogged Coil

    : E2 error can occur when the evaporator and condenser coils of the AC get clogged with dirt. Removing the coil and washing it with a water pump can restore it. 

  • Refrigeration Leakage

    : A leakage in the system prevents smooth circulation in the AC. To solve this he told me to check the outlets for air return and the entrance and make sure that the duct is not choked at any point.

And that is what he told me about the E2 error in AC. I hope this helps. 

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