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What does 'inactive property' mean?

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1 Year


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Recently, I came across a property that has Inactive written over it. This got me curious, and I started searching for the property inactive meaning. During my research, I came to understand that Inactive properties are those that are not for sale. But that doesn’t mean that it won’t even be up for sale again. I also learned that real estate listings can change from inactive to active pretty easily. 

What Does Inactive Property Mean?

As I mentioned above, inactive properties are those that are not for sale or in use. In general, a property's status is changed to inactive when it's been sold but not yet legally transferred. If the deal falls through, then the inactive status of the property will change back to active. 

Real estate agents use this trick and keep their properties as Inactive until the sale closes. If you want to buy a property, then inactive real estate listings can be worthwhile. If you are planning on an inactive property, then it's best to consult a real-estate agent. I hope this helps.

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Inactive listings are not visible to customers, which means that they cannot be purchased, or are not for sale. Any property that is not currently being used or rented out is said to be inactive. This may be the result of a variety of factors, including the property being occupied, being renovated, or being held as an investment.

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If you want to know the process of activating your inactive property advertisements, then you can go through the below-given response;

How to activate my property ad on NoBroker?

I hope this helps:)

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