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What happens if a neighbor's tree damages your property?

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I had the same problem. My neighbours planted a coconut tree in their backyard and the leaves would fall on my property. My lawn would be dirty all the time. I went to my neighbour's house and politely asked her to take care of the tree! She was agitated and she said that she was not responsible for a single thing. So, I took some steps. Let me share with you what to do when neighbor tree branch fell on my property.

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What happens if a neighbor's tree damages your property?

Well, I just straightaway approached the civic court after my neighbour behaved rudely with me. Let me share with you how to approach the civic court if neighbor's tree falls on my property.

  1. Firstly, write a complaint or allegation.

  2. The party who files a case is known as ‘the plaintiff’ and the party against whom you are filing the complaint is known as ‘Defendant’.

  3. The document contains information such as the Name of the Court, the Nature of the Complaint, Names and Addresses of parties to suit.

  4. File the complaint and pay the required fees. 

  5. After this, the hearing will be conducted and the notice will be served to the opposite party. I saw the look on the neighbour's face when she received the notice.

  6. Your neighbour will file a replication by the plaintiff. After the replication is filed, a pleading will be stated.

  7. In the next process you may need to provide other documents, and witnesses as per the requirement. You will also need to frame the issues so that they can be addressed well.

  8. In the final hearing, the judge will pass the verdict upon which you will be able to get the certified copy of the order. 

In conclusion, I would like to state that try to resolve the issue politely with your neighbours. It’s not a good idea to jump the gun and go to the civic court. It takes a lot of time to come to a solution when you appeal in court. Hope I was able to provide a solution regarding the neighbor tree branch fell on my property.

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