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What happens when someone dies before completing an agreement to sale an immovable property?

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0 2020-08-29T14:51:14+00:00
Best Answer
When someone dies before completing an agreement to sale an immovable property, the agreement is valid and remains valid upon the death of the seller and it should be completed by all the legal heirs of the decides. If the party is dead during the transaction, which makes it tricky and inconvenient. The sales agreement in a circumstance where the transfer has not as taken place so it is valid and it will be enforceable. The death of a seller, attorney power of the seller is in the favor of conveyancers to affect all the transfers falls and now convey answers needs the signature of the executor to the attorney power to proceed with the transfer. This is applied even when the document has already been lodged at any office. The heirs have the power to property and they can transfer it in accordance with there distribution account, which should be inspected, with no objection. The care should be taken upon the transfer, selling of any property where a decides estate is involved. The selling agreement of the party is advised of the inevitable delays with many provisions and acts.
0 2023-03-15T11:31:31+00:00

I faced a similar issue, of the death of purchaser before completion of sale agreement. I totally understand that the death of one party can entirely disrupt a real estate transaction. However, according to my experience, I would like to say that death cannot cancel a real estate contract.

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In most cases, if a buyer or if seller dies before closing a real estate transaction, their executor is required to carry out the agreement on their behalf, and this duty is not cancelled by their death. The conclusion of the transaction can be postponed until an executor or administrator is chosen to manage the decedent's estate.

An agreement of sale is complete, valid, and enforceable even if it is not signed by both parties, the Supreme Court has held. An agreement signed only by the vendor is enforceable by the purchaser.

I visited a lawyer and asked him, what happens if a seller dies after sale agreement? To this, he informed me that as per law, after the death of the seller, his legal heirs should execute the sale agreement in favour of the purchaser. If refused then file a suit for performance before the court for directing them to register the property in your name.

I also asked him, “what happens if buyer dies before completion?” To this, the lawyer informed me that in that case the contract will be taken forward by his/her beneficiaries. 

I’d like to conclude my answer here about what happens when there is a death of purchaser before completion of the sale agreement. I hope this helps:)

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0 2022-06-08T18:21:46+00:00

Hi Buddy,

I'm a property lawyer. I've been in this line of work for 30 years. I love to provide legal advice to my clients. One of the most frequent queries I get from clients is, "Are contracts enforceable after death?" I understand the death of one party can entirely disrupt a real estate transaction. However, according to my experience, I would like to say that death cannot cancel a real estate contract.

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In most circumstances, if a seller or buyer dies before a real estate deal is completed, their executor is obligated to execute the agreement on their behalf, and this obligation is not cancelled by their death. While an executor or administrator is appointed to administer the deceased's estate, there may be a delay in the transaction's completion. If the transaction is part of a land assembly, the entire land assembly and redevelopment process could be stopped as a result of the delay.

One approach to shorten the time a seller's death causes is to file an urgent application with the court for a limited grant of administration.

Courts have explored whether the death of a party to a real estate contract results in the deal being frustrated, but have concluded that the contract will only be frustrated if the deceased had some personal feature that was fundamental to the bargain.

I would like to conclude my answer regarding, “

does death cancel a real estate contract?”

I hope this helps:)

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