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What is a green roof?

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The layer of vegetation planted over the waterproofing system is called a green roof. I am sure you have seen people growing vegetables and plants on the flat. This is done with green roof technology. The green roof system can be categorised into three types: extensive, intensive, and semi-intensive. The extensive green roof has a shallow growing medium of six inches with a decent roof load and limited plant diversity. It is generally not accessible. The intensive green roof is a type of roof with more soil and a deeper growing medium. This type of roof can support more diversified plants including small trees. They require a lot of maintenance and frequent watering. Semi-intensive green roofs include both intensive and extensive roofs. This is what is green roof technology in simple terms.

Design your home in an eco-friendly manner with the help of the NoBroker home interior Green roof Advantages:
  • Improves air quality of the surrounding.

  • Insulates the building by absorbing the heat and making the air cool.

  • Prevents greenhouse gases from affecting the surrounding area. 

  • Protects the roof from ultraviolet rays and increases the roof life.

  • Makes the roof aesthetically pleasing.

  • Need proper maintenance.

  • Can only keep a limited number of plants or trees.

  • Expertise is required to maintain the green roof.

I hope you understand the meaning of a green roof system now.

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