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What is a Mini Split Air Conditioner?

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Hi there, I can help you understand what is a mini split air conditioner as we bought one for our home a week ago. The mini split AC works on the same technology as a normal AC system. But there are a few differences as well.

What is a Mini Split AC Unit?

A mini split AC has a few differences when compared to regular AC systems. These are,

  • It has the capability to both heat and cool your house.

  • It doesn’t need any ductwork.

  • The efficiency of a mini split is greater than other HVAC systems.

  • It is different in appearance from a traditional AC and needs to be either wall-mounted or floor-mounted.

I also found out that the mini-split AC has various names like the ductless mini-split system, a mini split heat pump, a ductless system, mini-split air conditioners and ductless AC.

How Mini Split AC Works?

These split ACs work by transporting the heat or hot air out of the space rather than creating cold air. Once the hot air is removed, the temperature in the space drops. 

One of the best qualities of the mini split AC for me is the bi directional feature. It is capable of reversing the process to bring heat inside the house and increase warmth. 

We thus feel that it would work great during the peak winter season in India. This is all from my side. I hope it helps you to know what is a mini split AC system.

Be it Installation or Repair, Get Professional Technicians for your AC Via NoBroker! Some related information:

How to Install mini split AC?

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