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What is a spandrel beam ?

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Hey, If you have ever seen a house get constructed from the ground up. You must have realised that load-bearing structures are built in the ground to make a strong foundation for the house. The structure ensures the house can withstand the test of time and not fall apart in case of natural disasters like earthquakes. Spandrel is one such structure, here I will share with you what is a spandrel and its use. Get your pipes checked by professionals. Click here to contact a plumber from NoBroker today!  If you are exploring home loan options and looking for best deals, check out NoBroker Home Loan services

What is a spandrel beam? It is a load-bearing beam that is fixed around the perimeter of the floor of the building. It supports the weight of the roof. In a building, it supports the load of the walls and other floors. It is used in both concrete and steel construction.

The load-bearing beams are horizontally attached to support columns. You will find spandrel beams in the frame of tall buildings and masonry walls. Continuing with spandrel beam meaning. The beams are also mounted between the head of a window and the sill of a window. Use :
  • The beams are installed to transfer the weight of external walls and slabs to the outer column.
  • The interaction with slabs causes the spandrel beam to undergo axial compression, torsion, bending moment, and shear stresses simultaneously.
  • It increases the overall load capacity of any building by resisting torsional stresses.
  • These beams provide strength to longitudinal and transverse reinforcements as well.
I hope your doubts about what is a spandrel are clear. Read more : How to Replace a Support beam in a house? How Many Types of Beam? H Beam Vs I Beam: What is the Difference?

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