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What is AC Gas Filling Price Hyderabad?

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1 Answers

10 months


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Hello, the AC gas filling price Hyderabad starts at Rs. 2500. I live in Kukatpally and recently booked a service for changing the gas in the AC installed in the living room. I checked a few local service options online, but they didn’t seem trustworthy. I went on to book NoBroker because I’ve heard about them, and they are a credible name in the market. This seemed to be a better deal overall. You can also check them out once to have a better understanding of what they have to offer.

What is the AC Gas Filling Cost in Hyderabad?

As I said, you’d have to pay around Rs. 2500 for a gas refill. But, the cost can vary based on the type of AC you own, between a tower AC, split AC and the window AC. I think it would be helpful to share the gas refilling prices through a few other service providers as well. You can make the choice for yourself after this.

AC Type Window AC Split AC 1.0 Ton Split AC 1.5 Ton Split AC 2.0 Ton

Rs. 2499

Rs. 2999

Rs. 3499

Rs. 4499

These are the AC gas filling charges in Hyderabad. I hope this will help you to draw an estimate cost for the gas filling charges in the city. 

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