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What is AC Gas Refilling Cost Bangalore?

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0 2025-02-07T15:25:46+00:00

Hi everyone, recently my brother told me to get his AC gas refilled, as he hasn’t used it for almost a year and it may be needed. So, before hiring the technician, I researched what the AC gas refilling cost Bangalore. I found on average it costs Rs.2000. However, it depends on several aspects including AC type, its size, refrigerant used and, of-course the service provider you choose. 

What is the Split AC Gas Refilling Cost Bangalore?

During my research, I found out that NoBroker and Urban Company were good in AC services. They are providing many service packages at affordable rates, especially NoBroker.

NoBroker AC Gas Refilling Service Pricing 

In NoBroker, it is Rs2,299 (for all AC sizes: 1 ton, 1.5 ton, 2 ton, 2.5 ton). Let’s find out what’s included in this service:

  1. Complete AC Diagnosis: Includes gas check & identification of any required repairs.

  1. Deep Cleaning of AC Components: Cleaning of filters, cooling coil, drain tray, indoor unit, and outdoor unit for better performance and cooling.

  1. Efficiency Check: Check gas levels, cooling efficiency, and overall functionality.

  1. Warranty: 30-day warranty on AC service/installation, 180-day warranty on spare parts.

Urban Company AC Gas Refilling Service Pricing 

The charge for refilling and leakage repair is 2500. This package includes:

  1. Pre-service checks

  2. Leak identification and repair

  3. Precise gas refilling

  4. Post-service cleanup

I am planning to take service from NoBroker because of the low cost. I hope this will help you.

Get Your AC Gas Refilled at Low Cost by AC Trusted Technician at NoBroker

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What are the LG AC Gas Filling Charges in India


0 2024-01-25T15:13:24+00:00

I’ve recently refilled my AC gas through NoBroker in my Bangalore home. I was charged Rs.  2,329, as the AC gas refilling cost Bangalore.

What is the AC Gas Refilling Price in Bangalore?

The AC gas refill price starts from Rs. 3,499. However, I received a discount from the NoBroker team and I was charged only Rs. 2329. Keep in mind that any additional spare part cost is not included in this price. IT will be charged depending on the situation. 

The 2 important feature that I really liked about their AC gas charging service are;

  • Their AC technician helped in a full inspection including precise detection, repair and refilling of gas leaks

  • They also offered a 60-day guarantee on gas charge

I opted for NoBroker because while cost is important, prioritizing quality service and using the right type of gas is crucial for optimal AC performance and long-term savings. So choosing a reliable service provider is crucial. One advice that I can offer here is that you should always compare prices and services before deciding.

Get Your AC Gas Fixing and Refilling Done Via NoBroker 

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What is LG AC Gas Filling Charges?  

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