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What is accrued interest?

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Hi Zehra, 

As Suresh explained,

accured interest meaning

is the amount of interest that has occurred but not been paid yet. This is based on a lot of factors such as interest rate, debt, principal, etc. 

Accrued interest increases what we owe when we borrow money, for example,

accrued interest on housing loan

. In the case of investments and savings accounts, accrued interest is earned. Let’s discuss the type of accrued interest. 

Types Of

Accrued Loan Interest

There are two types of accrued interest; Accrued interest when borrowing and accrued interest when saving or investing. 

Accrued Interest When Borrowing

Accrued interest is different in terms of loans and credit cards. In the case of credit cards, interest is the same as the annual percentage rate, and the cost of borrowing money is the interest in the case of loans. 

An easy way of reducing the credit card accrued interest is paying off the balance on time monthly. 

Accrued Interest When Saving Or Investing: 

What is accrued interest on investment? Accrued interest is earned as the interest accrues depending on the rate and amount of money saved or invested. 

So, to summarize, you either earn or pay interest. Hopefully, you understood the accrued interest meaning. 

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0 2023-05-26T12:43:02+00:00

It's essential to know about the various sorts of interests if you want to effectively manage your finances and assets. Understanding the differences between earned, accrued, and paid interest is crucial when it comes to investing. Let's examine what is accrued interest on a loan.

Know about every term related to home loans from the experts at NoBroker.

What is accrued interest with example?

The amount of interest that has accrued on a loan or investment but has not yet been paid or received is known as accrued interest. Basically, accruing interest refers to interest that has been earned but has not yet been received or distributed. Because accumulated interest will eventually need to be paid or collected, it's critical to keep track of it.


Loans and accrued interest function similarly. For example, until the loan is repaid, interest will be charged on the outstanding sum if it has a 5% annual interest rate. If you make a payment on the loan, a portion of the payment will be applied to the principal balance of the loan and the remaining portion will be applied to the accrued interest. In general, the accumulated interest is a technique to keep track of how much interest has been accrued over time, even if it hasn't been paid out or received yet.

How does accrued interest work?

The accrual-based accounting method includes accrued interest. Interest is not recorded in the books of accounts on the day it is paid or received, but rather on the date it becomes due, whether payable or receivable. The matching concept and the revenue recognition principle of accounting are satisfied in this way. Accrued interest builds up over time on a loan or investment with an interest rate attached.

How to calculate accrued interest?

The formula for accrued interest is determined for a certain accrual period. The following equation is used for this:

Accrued interest = Principal amount x (interest rate / 365) x accrual term.

You must have understood now what is accrued interest.

Get a home loan via NoBroker for hassle-free processing. Read More: What is loan moratorium? What is a loan against property? What is loan disbursement? What is a reverse mortgage loan?
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