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What is Asian Paints Cost For 1BHK ?

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1 2024-09-06T13:35:31+00:00

Painting the house is a time- consuming process. Colours need to be selected and costs need to be ascertained. Asian Paints Cost for 1 BHK depends on a lot of factors, such as the quality and quantity of paint, the total surface area to be painted and other factors.

What is the Asian Paints Cost For 1 BHK Per Square Foot?

For a 1 BHK home, since the surface area is relatively smaller the total cost involved will be comparatively less. The approximate painting cost for a 1 BHK can range from Rs 15000 to Rs 25000. Here lets take an example of a 1 BHK home measuring 30*40 which is 1200 square feet. The total cost will factor in the quality of paint used.

So premium paints in Asian Paints can range from Rs 40 to Rs 60 per square feet. So in the example stated above the total cost for painting a 1 BHK home will be 1200*40 = Rs. 48000. This is in the lower range. If you want it in the higher range then, the total cost will be 1200*60 = Rs. 72000. However the time taken to paint a 1 BHK home will be lesser than a 2 or 3 BHK home.

So by using this example, you can find out how much will it cost you to paint your house depending on its total area. I hope this helps you make an informed decision on the total painting cost of your home.

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