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What Is Bill ID In UPPCL?

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I have lived in UP for a long amount of time. Our Discom under the UPPCL was the Purvanchal Vidyut Vitaran Limited. As I used to take care of all the electricity bill payments, I can help you to know the UPPCL account ID. The bill ID or account ID is a 10-digit number that is given to every individual electricity connection. The UPPCL does so to track each electricity consumer and provide easy billing services. I have shared more information about the account ID below.

What is the UPPCL Bill Pay 10 Digit Account ID?

Earlier, the UPPCL had two separate account ID types, a 10-digit one for urban consumers and a 12-digit one for rural consumers. However, they have now decided to change the 12-digit account ID for consumers in the rural area to a 10-digit account ID. 

You can change the account ID by going to the

Know your Account Number’

page on the UPPCL website

. There, just enter your Discom and the old account number. Fill in the captcha and click on ‘View’. On your screen, you will be able to see the new account ID.

This is all from my side. I hope this helps you to know about the UPPCL online account ID.

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Some related information: How to know my consumer ID number?
0 2022-09-19T10:22:24+00:00

UPPCL is the abbreviation of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited, who is in charge of supplying cost efficient electricity to every house of the state. I have stayed in UP for a few months this year and got to know several details about this company. Every bill comes with a consumer ID that helps to know which meter is in the name of which person and now I got to know about the account ID in electricity bill UPPCL as well. The digits in the ID differ from one person to another so let me tell you the reason behind it

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Why does the bill ID in UPPCL bill differ from one consumer to another?

Some consumers have a 10 digits ID while some have 12 digits. Now before answering the reason behind it, let me tell you

what is bill id in UPPCL first. This ID is a 10 or 12 digit ID assigned to the consumers as per rural citizen or urban citizen. It is the consumer number only.

The 10 digit ID is provided to urban consumers and the 12 digits ID is assigned to the rural consumers. This helps the government to know several details and also the number of consumers under each category.


This is all I got to say for the

account ID in electricity bill UPPCL.

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