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What is BU permission?

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4 2021-11-11T17:49:27+00:00
Best Answer


My friend who recently bought a house in Gujarat was talking about BU permission the other day. He told me that BU Permission (Building Usage Permission) is required while selling or buying properties.

The Gujarat government said any construction of private homes up to 125 sq. m. can be undertaken by a land owner in any city or town under a municipal corporation or any other local body by producing just an affidavit along with relevant documents. Prior permission is not needed to construct private residential homes up to 125 sq. m. Only Building Usage (BU) permission is needed after construction. It is done to make it easy for people to build houses in the state.

The state government of Gujarat introduced a common set of administrative regulations and performance for towns and cities of Gujarat to bring uniformity in construction norms existing in different cities across the states. This decision to make processes common across cities is beneficial for developers as they usually struggle with different construction norms existing in different parts of the state.

If you want to take the BU permission certificate, then you can get it by visiting the official website of the municipal corporation.

I hope I answered your query on “what is BU permission means?”

0 2023-08-04T10:48:21+00:00

The BU full form in construction is BU permission, or Building Usage Permission. It is issued by the local regulatory authority to measure the actual property utilisation in a particular area. It is a mandatory document, and all property owners must have it. As of now, users cannot apply for building use permission certificate online. They can apply for it by physically visiting the concerned government office.

Is BU certificate in real estate mandatory?

A BU certificate is mandatory in most of the cities. It is the prime documentation that helps establish a strict and straightforward norm and supports the rational construction of buildings.

What are the advantages of having a BU?

The advantages of having a BU are-

  • It ensures that the construction or usage of buildings are as per rules and regulations only.

  • A BU certificate clarifies that the building meets all security requirements and can withstand various stresses, making it safe for the occupants.

  • It helps to state that the building's intended use aligns with zoning regulations and doesn't pose a safety risk to the public or neighbouring properties.

  • Many insurance companies and financial institutions may require proof of BU permission before providing coverage or financing for the property.

There are more advantages to having a BU so I will suggest you draft it as soon as you can

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0 2023-02-14T07:36:57+00:00

While going through the previously-mentioned responses, I got clarified about what is BU permission in Gujarat? The local regulatory body issues BU permissions, also known as building usage permits, to guarantee proper land and property utilisation in a certain location. It is a necessary document that could be requested during the application process for an occupancy certificate. Users are now unable to apply for it online and must manually submit all required paperwork to the government office.

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The primary goal of the municipal or state development authority is reflected in the documentation of the BU authorisation format. The governing bodies seek to develop a set of administrative rules for the cities and towns to which every construction entity must follow. These rules will be based on construction, usage, and performance.

Additionally, it will help the developers adhere to a uniform state-wide construction permission system. Furthermore, if the usage is stated, selling and buying real estate will also be simpler.

Senior urban development authorities in the state of Gujarat conducted an ongoing survey of buildings or properties with the necessary Building Use (BU) permission. It was clear that 95% of the 34 lakhs or so properties that fall under the municipality's or Nagar Palika's jurisdiction in Gujarat are flat without bu permission.

The aim of the sample study, according to the officials, was to help with the creation of legislation that will serve as a guide for every citizen to be required to obtain BU approval for their property.

I hope this answer suffices your query about why is BU permission required. I hope this helps:)

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The local governmental agency grants BU permissions, also known as building usage permits. It is to ensure valid land and property utilisation in a specific area. I also needed this document when I applied for an occupancy certificate. So let’s understand the BU full form and the documents required for it.

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What is the building use permission Gujarat?

From what I read in the above answers, the state government of Gujarat introduced the BU concept. You can find more information in the above answers.

What documents are required for BU permission?

When you apply for BU permission, the following paperwork is normally required:

  • Submitting a request for a building permit certificate of zoning

  • The local authority needs a no objection certificate for a specific cause.

  • Legal Authority

  • Sales records for land

  • Documents of the registration certificates for a designer, architect, developer, and any other crucial institutions, if required.

  • An analysis of structural support

  • Certificates of verification for interior components like fire safety and elevators

  • A document attesting to protecting the environment

  • The owner's identification document with a photo, the site plan records, and design plan approval

Why you need BU permissions?

The BU permission format paperwork reflects the objective of the municipality or state development agency. The governing organisations are working to create a list of administrative regulations for the cities and municipalities that each construction company must adhere to. These regulations will be built on design, functionality, and efficiency.

You are now aware of the BU full form.

Read More: What happens if building permit expires? Do you need a building permit to replace windows? How to check the permission for any construction?
0 2022-05-20T10:05:53+00:00

Every State has their own set of rules for the construction of houses. While building a property a developer must obtain important certificate such as Building Use Permission (BU), No Objection Certificate, (NOC), Property Ruled Card, (PRC), Urban Land Ceiling act orders, Urban Land Ceiling act orders (ULC), Commencement Certificate (CC), Occupancy Certificate (OC). I will share with you BU permission full form and meaning.

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What is BU permission meaning?

The full form of BU is Building Use Permission. This approval was introduced by the Government of Gujarat. Authorities in Gujarat such as AUDA or municipal corporations grant this approval.

What Parvinder has mentioned about BU certificate is apt and to the point.

However, one of the real estate developers told me that it is very difficult to obtain a BU certificate. While running a survey it was seen that 32% of buildings do not have BU. This includes both commercial and residential properties. There were so many hospitals, educational buildings, residential buildings, etc that failed to obtain the BU. Why? Due to some modifications or extra constructions in the buildings, the authorities did not grant the BU approval. The survey was carried out to legitimise the building. Let's see what the Gujarat Regularisation of Unauthorised Development does next to settle the chaos. 

This is all I have to say as of now. I hope you understand BU permission full form now.

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