You can run into a number of unfamiliar words when you read through your electricity bill as I do every time. But it is crucial to understand each of these concepts. There are a few that you must be familiar with. The "Consumer Number" is one of these phrases I am familiar with. This guide is about the CA number full form.
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Patel Raunak’s answer is quite good to understand what is CA number in deep. The way he explained the concept and its importance are really impressive. There you will understand about the electricity bill CA number.
How to locate the CA number on an electricity bill?
Go to the power board's online webpage if you don't have a reference to your recent or old bills.
Enter your User ID and password to log in.
Tap the register option on the website if you are a new user.
You'll access the website once you enter the necessary information.
Log in with the same information to find your previous or current bill.
You need to go to the bills and transaction history page to locate your bills.
There you can obtain the bill's PDF version.
You can locate the consumer number right at the top.
It may also be referred to as an account number or account ID.
I hope you understood the CA number full form.
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Seher, CA number in electricity bill represents the Customer Account Number. This is a unique ID for each customer. It serves the purpose of tracking the billing, managing customer queries, improving customer handling and providing streamlined service. The CA number is known by different names like Customer ID, Consumer ID, etc, depending on the electricity board. I hope this will help you.
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C A no in electricity bill denotes Contract Account Number. It is a unique identifying number assigned to each customer by the utility company. The main purpose of this number is to track the customer's usage, billing, and payment history.
How to Find CA Number without Electricity Bill?
The CA no electricity bill is basically the consumer number. Without this number, you cannot pay bills or extract electricity bill-related details easily. If you ever lose the CA number, you must contact the service provider and seek their help. You can also look at the CA no on electricity bill of the previous month.
Since I pay my bills through NoBroker, I have my CA number saved there so you can find it on your payment portal as well.
Where is CA Number in Electricity Bill?
The CA number is usually placed at the top of the electricity bill on the left-hand side. However, it can also be found on the right-hand side of the bill. So check your bill thoroughly and you will find the CA number easily.
I hope the meaning and relevance of the CA number in the electricity bill are clear to you now.
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How to get CA number?
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The C A number in electricity bill is used to identify your electrical connection specifically and is crucial for a number of operations, including paying bills, filing complaints, and monitoring usage.
In electricity invoices, the CA No. in electricity bill is a crucial thing to consider. It acts as a guide for the service provider to identify the client and link the bill to the proper account. It guarantees proper billing, keeps track of past payments, and helps handle consumer concerns and complaints. You can save time and facilitate many power connection-related activities by having the CA number on hand.
Where is CA number in Adani electricity bill?
Adani Electricity assigns a special number called a CA number. Your Adani Electricity bill has it printed on the back page. The CA number is usually found at the top of the page, immediately below the client's name and address. You must use this 11-digit alphanumeric code when making payments or getting information about your electricity bill.
You can also contact the customer service department of your electrical provider for assistance. They will assist you in locating the C A number in electricity bill for your electrical connection and will walk you through the procedure.
Hope this helps:)
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While paying my electricity bill online, I was asked to provide the ca number in electricity bill in Bihar. I was wondering what it was and was really confused. I asked my flatmate about it and that is when I learned about its meaning. CA number stands for Contract Account Number. You must be knowing that each consumer is assigned a consumer ID. CA is that only. CA nothing but another name of Consumer ID/Consumer number/Customer ID/ Account No.
Is the CA no in electricity bill bihar available in both the northern and southern parts?
Do note that the CA number is available in the electricity bills of NBPDCL (North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd.) and SBPDCL(South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd.). In urban areas, you can check the CA number as “खाता संख्या”(Account Number) and in rural areas, it is printed as उपभोक्ता संख्या(subscriber number). You can see it clearly visible in both downloaded and spot bills. Both are the same only their name is a bit differently printed on the bills. I could locate the CA number NBPDCL very easily so I hope you can do it as well. It is located at the centre of your bill.
The CA number in electricity bill in Bihar is usually a 9 to 12-digit number so you should be able to identify it very easily.
Pay your electricity bills on time and earn rewards using NoBroker’s bill payment service Read more: What is RMD in Electricity Bill? How to get a CA number? How to Find CA Number of BSES? What is MR Code in Electricity Bill? What is BU number in electricity bill?Your Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
In the Adani electricity bill, you will come across the term CA. CA stands for the contract account number. Using this ID or number, you can view or pay your electricity bill. So in short, the answer to- “what is CA number in Adani electricity bill?” will be that the CA is a unique identification number the electricity board provides to its consumers. It is the same as the consumer number, consumer ID, customer ID, account number, or more.
What is CA number in electricity bill SBPDCL and NBPDCL?CA in SBPDCL and NBPDCL also stands for consumer ID only.
stands for South Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd And
Stands For North Bihar Power Distribution Company Ltd. i hope the ca full form in electricity bill and its meaning is clear to you by now.
How to get the CA number on the electricity bill?There are many ways of getting the CA number. Let me share a few-
Offline:You can look for the CA number on your electricity bill itself. It is usually 9-12 digits long and located at the top of the bill.
You can also visit your electricity board office and get it
Each electricity board has its own official portal
Visit the portal
Login with your credentials
Click on view bill and get your bill along with the CA number
If you have ever paid an electricity bill through an app
Open the app
Click on history
Check the bill details and find your CA number there
This is what I can say to answer what is CA number in Adani electricity bill.
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Read More:What Is Non RAPDRP In Electricity Bill?
What is RMD in Electricity Bill?
How to Find CA Number of BSES?
What is MR Code in Electricity Bill?
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You must be already aware that a CA number electricity bill, often known as a consumer ID, is a special account number given to each user. The nature of each consumer number makes it distinct from those of other consumers. The CA number full form in electricity bill is the Contract Account Number.
Pay all your bills safely using NoBroker Utility Bill Payment ServiceRemember that the CA number on your power bill may have different numbers of digits and a different format according to your state's or the electrical board's requirements.
After understanding what is contract account number in electricity bill, I’d say that the CA number is exclusively used in Bihar boards. It is also known as the service number for Andhra Pradesh Boards, USCNO (Unique Service Number) for Telangana State Southern Power Distribution, Consumer code for Jammu and Kashmir
Account ID for BESCOM (Bangalore Electricity Supply Company Limited), BP (Business Partner) Number (CSEPDCL – Chhattisgarh), Account Number for Chandigarh Electricity department, Contract Account Number for Goa Electricity Department, Service Connection Number for DNH Power Distribution Company Limited (Dadra and Nagar Haveli).
I’d like to conclude here about the CA number electricity bill. I hope this helps:)
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How to Find CA Number BSES? How to get a CA number?Your Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
What is CA number in electricity bill?
CA stands for contract account number in its entire form and I got to know it when I went to pay the bill. It's a one-of-a-kind number assigned by each power company. Your power bill can be viewed and paid using the CA number. Basically, it's the identification number that your utility company uses to identify your energy connection and its specifics. It goes under different names in different states. Consumer ID, Consumer number, Customer ID, Account No. are all terms used by some businesses.

The consumer ID or account number of electricity bills is mentioned differently by different distribution companies (Discoms). It's usually found in the bill's upper part. Now we'll look at NBPDCL and SBPDCL bills to see where the CA no in electricity bill can be found. There are two types of provisions in Bihar. One is for rural areas, while the other is for cities.
“खाता संख्या”
can be found in the online downloaded bill in the urban area. Alternatively, "CA Number" can be found on the meter reader's bill.
2) It appears in both downloaded and spot bills in rural regions as ” उपभोक्ता संख्या”.
How to know the CA number?
CA number is written on the bill that arrives at your house. If the bill is printed in Hindi, you can accept the customer number as the CA number. If the bill is written in English, the CA number must be included. If you can't find your CA number, you can get it by looking up your former customer ID number online.
When you choose your district's name, you'll be given the option of selecting a division. Make sure you choose the correct division, and then enter your CA number. If you fill out all of the fields correctly, your bill will be paid; otherwise, it will be placed on hold.
This clears your doubt about what is CA number in electricity bill.
With NoBroker's utility bill payment option, you may pay all of your utility bills, including electricity, water, and pipe gas. Read More: Where is BU code in electricity bill? How to pay electricity bill online in Delhi?Your Feedback Matters! How was this Answer?
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What is CA Number in Electricity Bill?
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