Hi, I was searching for the ownership status of my land a few years ago. While doing so, I got to know what is a cadastral map. So, in simple words, a cadastral map is a land record in digital form that showcases the boundaries of different land parts. The boundaries are mentioned on the basis of the area, direction and length. Let me tell you more about them in detail.
Define Cadastral Map.
Continuing from above, I found out that these cadastral maps help in viewing the ownership status of your land based on requirements. The information you’ll find on a cadastral map includes:
Land parcel boundaries
Ownership of land
Title number certificates
Names of the adjacent and adjoining streets
Lot or section numbers
Survey district names
Selected boundary dimensions
Distinct identifying numbers for parcels
Positions of the current structures
Why are Cadastral Maps Important?
I found several roles that cadastral maps fulfil to make processes easier. They include:
Help in the transfer and administration of the property ownership.
They assist in evaluating the property value with the applicable taxes, too.
They give out details regarding land surveys on the basis of divisions and boundaries.
They record land ownership.
This is all I know about cadastral land meaning. I hope my response helps you to understand them in a better way.
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After researching thoroughly, I got to know that cadastral data is an authorised, legal document that details the size, shape, locality, price, title, and ownership of particular parcels of land. GIS technology is critical for creating up-to-date and easily available maps, exploiting database information, and simplifying cadastre management corporate work processes. Linework, parcel designations, property ownership, tax and value estimates, area measurements, and land surveying are all examples of information used to create cadastral maps. Let me tell you what is cadastral map.
Cadastral map meaning:
A cadastral map is a scaled map that shows the measurements, survey boundaries, ownership borders, and a unique identifier for every unit of real estate property within a city. Cadastral maps reveal who owns which pieces or plots of land in a certain region. Land parcels are marked out and labelled on these maps. Cadastral maps are maps that show the location of a piece of property. Textual documents such as Jamabandi or the Record of Rights are another sort of land record (RoR).
Facts about cadastral map:
1) You will find that numerous government departments at the national and state levels maintained cadastral maps at various times.
2) Both the federal and state governments attempted to digitise verbal and geographical land records, such as cadastral maps, through various projects.
3) The national government's Department of Land Resources (DoLR) began to keep both geographical and verbal land records when the Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) was launched in 2008.
4) Around 67.13 percent of existing cadastral maps have been digitised, according to the DILRMP dashboard. Some states conducted their own land record digitization projects.
5) The Revenue Department of the Karnataka government used the BHOOMI initiative to digitise 99 percent of its land records.
6) State governments will now use drone inspections and ground-truthing to update and generate verbal and geographical land records in rural India, as part of the national government's recently launched SVAMITVA scheme.
How to find cadastral maps online?
Now the internet has made things simpler than it was before. You can look for cadastral maps online on your respective state’s official websites. You just need to provide essential information and see the cadastral maps online. I have listed down some websites of states.
Uttar Pradesh:
This guides you well about what is cadastral map.
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A cadastral map is a map that defines the real estate boundaries and division of land to define the ownership and purpose of the land. Cadastral map meaning suggests that the map is a detailed graphic representation of the division and sub division of land with points to direction, length and breadth and each minute detail to be recorded precisely in land records of the state.
What is cadastral map used for?So far, we have ascertained cadastral map definition. Let us now understand what is cadastral map used for.
A cadastral map is made by a cadastral surveyor during cadastral survey to provide legitimate and precise information about legal rights and obligations relating to lands. Cadastral mapping is important for
Establishing titles,
Urban planning, development and financing
Forming land policies
Granting use of the property
Land readjustments
Transfer of development rights
Improving property tax collection, etc.
You can look for cadastral maps online in Delhi by visiting the Revenue Geo Portal. The khasra information for land in Delhi is updated online at
I hope now you know what is cadastral map meaning and definition clearly.
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What is Cadastral Map?
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