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What is Capri Home Loan Interest Rate?

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I know how difficult it is to get a suitable house loan within our financial capabilities. I am glad someone suggested to me Capri Global Home loan. Capri home loan interest rates are affordable. They helped me throughout and I also received personalised services and solutions that allowed me to obtain a suitable house loan within my budget.

What is Capri Global Capital Ltd Home Loan Interest Rate?

  • Type (Fixed or Floating or Semi-Fixed): All of CGHFL's borrowers can choose from floating or semi-fixed rate loans. A semi-fixed rate loan has a fixed interest rate for the first few years and a fluctuating rate beyond that. The loan agreement should be consulted by the borrower to determine the duration of the sanctioned loan's fixed and variable rate periods.
  • Interest Chargeable: The CGHFL-RR of CGHFL and any applicable margin are used to calculate the floating rate of interest; further details are provided in the loan agreement. Below is an indication of ROI under CGHFL-RR:

Capri Global Home Loan Interest Rate

1st April, 2023 Onwards
Customer Type Rates
Home Loan Upto 16.75%
Home Equity Upto 22.00%
Along with this, I will also tell you the schedule of charges on home loan application.
Sr. No. Description Fees / Charges Applicable exclusive of GST
a Application Fees (IMD) – Non-refundable Rs. 3,500/
b AHL - Prime Rs. 2,000/-
You should know that GST and any other applicable tax or surcharge are levied in addition to the fees and charges for all applicable fees and charges. The above-mentioned charges are all subject to modification at CGHFL's discretion. This is Capri home loan interest rate. I hope it helps you. Get Home Loans With the Lowest Interest Rate and Max Tenure With NoBroker Home Loan Service. Read More: What is the Home Loan Interest Rate for Senior Citizens?
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