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What is Champa Plant Vastu?

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I learnt from my mother that the champa plant is said to have a special place in vastu shastra because it is said that the fragrance of this flower removes any negative energy that might be in the surroundings. She used to have a champa plant on our balcony for years, so I wanted to have one at my new house as well. But I didn’t know where to put it. So I asked her about the champa plant Vastu direction. Here is all that she told me.

Is Champa Plant Good for Home? 

Yes. Champa plants have pale yellow flowers and the plant always stays green. It brings positive energy and peace among your house if placed in the right direction.

  • It has a wide range of medicinal uses, and has been used for this since ancient times. 

  • A Champa plant in the home is said to drive away all negative energy in Vastu Shastra. 

  • Its benefits include improving the health of family members and bringing fortune and wealth into the house.

  • Just put a champa plant in your garden and courtyard or near your main front door, and watch the magic unfold. 

As my mother told me, according to vastu shastra, you should always avoid the southwest direction for your champa plant as it disrupts the flow of energy leading to imbalance in home. 

If you want to keep your plant indoors, you can keep it in the living room. I hope you get an idea of the champa plant Vastu direction in English.

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What is Laxmi Kamal plant vastu?

I have a Champa plant at home Vastu in my garden in front of my house. I have always loved their fragrance, so I make sure I take care of them properly. A Champa is a huge, evergreen tree with fragrant blooms and long, thin petals.

What is Champa Plant Vastu?

It's a thin-barked deciduous tree. The stem has a grey-green hue and a sausage-like shape. Because it is a deciduous tree, in the winter months the leaves drop until the branch is all that's left. The five petals of the Champa flower represent psychological perfection as well as sincerity, faith, commitment, aspiration, and surrender. The flowers come in a variety of colours, ranging from orange to creamy white. Because of its strong and unique scent, the Champa flower has been an integral part of Indian spiritual worship since ancient times.

What are the Varieties of the Champa Plant As Per Vastu?

  • Plumeria Rubra
The tall cultivar Plumeria Rubra can reach heights of up to 25 feet. It bears bunches of red, pink, and white flowers together with tall, sharp leaves. Because it can spread out quickly and cover a vast area, it works well in outdoor settings.
  • Nag Champa, or Plumeria Pudica
Another variety of Champa flower distinguished by its distinctive leaves is Plumeria Pudica, sometimes referred to as Nag Champa. Its long, spoon-shaped leaves have pointed ends and a broader middle. Despite being a cultivar of medium stature, it has stunning but limited flowering.
  • Plumeria Obtusa
Due to its dense foliage, Plumeria Obtusa has round, oval-shaped, bright green leaves that appear bushy. It is an excellent choice for rooftop gardens because of its sluggish growth rate and large, fragrant white blooms with a yellow core that are produced in bunches.
  • Plumeria Alba
Plumeria Alba is a deciduous shrub with a height of two to eight meters. It bears huge, fragrant white flowers with a golden center; it has elongated, slender leaves.
  • Pink Champa
Pink Champa blooms consistently from April through autumn, producing fragrant flowers. This cultivar's lovely flowers are frequently used in traditional Hawaiian leis. Now you what is a Champa plant at home Vastu. Design Your Home Interior and Plant Location With the Expert Guidance of NoBroker Interior Designers. Read More: जाने चंपा का पौधा घर में लगाना चाहिए या नहीं?

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