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What is Cool Mode in AC?

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1 Answers

8 months


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I wasn’t sure of what is cool mode in AC, until I bought an AC unit. I realised that it is the most popular and often the default setting, when you first switch on the air conditioner. 

What is the Cool Mode in AC?

This setting circulates cool air throughout your space, which is ideal for relieving heat. To maximise your energy savings when utilising cool mode, make sure you adjust the temperature appropriately. In order to optimise productivity and reduce expenses, temperatures should typically be maintained at or around 24 degrees Celsius.

What Does Cool Mode Mean in AC?

In cool mode, hot air is drawn into the air conditioner and passes through the compressor to cool it before being released into the room. The air conditioner's compressor and fan are both used in the cool mode.

When to use the cool mode:
  • When the temperature and humidity are excessive, you can use the cool mode.

  • If you want the temperature to remain consistently cool, use the cool mode.

I hope this helps!

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