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What is Correspondence Address?

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10 2022-05-10T23:32:41+00:00
Best Answer

The permanent address is the address to which you genuinely belong, while the correspondence address is the address to which you should be contacted. If you are from a location BCD and are staying at XYZ, BCD will be your permanent address while XYZ will be your correspondence address. So let’s see the correspondence address meaning.

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What is correspondence address?

You can be formally reached at a correspondence address even if you do not live there. You must present proof of identification and agree to register for a correspondence address. For enrolling for various services, people frequently use a correspondence address; certain agencies or applications will allow the correspondence address, whereas others will demand a residence address.

Your correspondence address is your residential address or the address where you want to receive letters, and it might be your work address, industrial address, or some other home address, while your residential address is the address of your current residence, not your previous residence.

Correspondence address meaning in Hindi?

Correspondence Address का मतलब होता है पत्राचार या पत्र - व्यवहार का पता| कॉरेस्पोंडेंस एड्रेस वो होता है जब कहीं आप जॉब या किसी और काम के सिलसिले में किराये के घर में रह रहे हैं या कहीं हॉस्टल पर रह रहे हैं तो उस एड्रेस को Correspondence एड्रेस कहा जाता है| कॉरेस्पोंडेंस एड्रेस एक टेम्परेरी एड्रेस है, जो आपका अस्थायी पता होता है|

Correspondence address meaning in Telugu

మీ కరస్పాండెన్స్ చిరునామా మీ నివాస చిరునామా లేదా మీరు లేఖలను అందుకోవాలనుకునే చిరునామా, మరియు అది మీ కార్యాలయ చిరునామా, పారిశ్రామిక చిరునామా లేదా మరేదైనా ఇంటి చిరునామా కావచ్చు, అయితే మీ నివాస చిరునామా మీ ప్రస్తుత నివాసం, మీ మునుపటి నివాసం కాదు .

Facts about correspondence address:

  • A correspondence address is a location where mail and packages can be delivered.

  • This address might be anywhere in the world.

  • You will not have to visit or view this address in person.

  • It can't be used for anything that requires a home address.

Can you use the residential address as a correspondence address?

You can use your listed residential address as your correspondence address for getting emails as long as you meet all of the requirements. This isn't always a good idea because based on the service you're using your correspondence address may also be publicly disclosed. A non-residential address protects your privacy and prevents you from receiving unwanted advertising mail at your house. It might also be claimed that selecting a more commercial address, such as one in a major city or town, will provide you with a good identity.

What is the correspondence address meaning must be clear to you.

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3 2023-09-08T09:01:15+00:00

The meaning of correspondence address is quite simple to understand. It is an address used for receiving mail and other forms of communication, distinct from one's residential or physical address. It serves as a location where individuals or organisations can send letters, packages, bills, and official documents. This is what corresponding address means. I did a thorough research about it, so I would like to share a few more details here.

What is correspondence address meaning?

I hope the basic concept of a correspondence address is clear to you. But to help you understand what is the meaning of address of correspondence more precisely, here are some differences between correspondence addresses with residential and business addresses:

Correspondence Address Residential Address Business Address

Used for receiving mail and correspondence

Place of residence

Location of a business

May differ from the residential or business location

The place where you live

Location of the company

Can be changed more frequently

Generally stable

May change with business

These are some of the major differences of correspondence address with other address types. I hope this clarifies what is meant by correspondence address.

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2 2023-03-08T22:09:38+00:00

I did not know the address for correspondence meaning properly until last year. It is an address that one provides to receive mail correspondence and parcels. This address can be anywhere in the world. You do not need to be present at this address, nor do you need to pay a physical visit here. But do remember that this address cannot be used for services that require a residential address.

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  What is a correspondence address example?

Your correspondence address can be any address other than your residential address. Be it your office address, an industrial address, or others. People use such addresses to receive mail, parcels, letters, and more. If you want, you can give your residential address as a correspondence address, but vice versa cannot be done until you actually reside in that address.

What is the difference between correspondence and permanent address?

The difference between a correspondence address and a permanent address is that the former is used for official or delivery purposes mainly, while the latter is used as your residential proof. You are bound to be present or to be living at your permanent address, but in the case of correspondence address, nothing as such is mandatory. 

This is all I can tell you to help you understand what is the address for correspondence meaning.

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